Example sentences of "such [adj] [noun sg] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As I 'm sure you know , the majority of girls seeking such posts can neither read nor write and are of such low intelligence that they have no control over the children ; in fact , the children soon take advantage of them .
2 No such scarps have been observed on other maria , perhaps because any lava there was of such low viscosity that it spread out into very thin sheets before solidifying .
3 But the charge will strike a chord with the increasing number of voters who hold Mr Major in such low regard that he ranks bottom of the alltime premiership popularity league .
4 ‘ There speaks the man who drove us here at such breakneck speed that I began to take pity on his poor Ferrari 's engine .
5 At night I tossed and turned to dreams of such emotional intensity that I went to work as tired as I was the day before .
6 ‘ Presumably because I 'm devious and unscrupulous , ’ he said with such awful softness that she winced .
7 The Walks were forbidden to the villagers and in the final few weeks of pregnancy , Tamar spent much of her time strolling there , in such complete seclusion that she felt cut off from civilisation .
8 It 's Paris , 1992 , just before the couture shows and , although no one is bursting into song every five minutes , I 'm surrounded by such high-fashion gloss that I feel like I 'm in a remake .
9 ‘ Why ever not ? ’ he asked with such assumed innocence that she felt like screaming .
10 Much to the prince 's disgust the captain of the Du Teillay refused to join in the action for fear of endangering his passenger 's life , but the Elisabeth suffered 57 killed and 176 wounded and such serious damage that she had to be sent back to Brest , taking with her her precious cargo of arms and French volunteers .
11 The whole operation was performed with such straightforward openness that I believe , had he observed my slight embarrassment — which stemmed chiefly from the unexpectedness of the action — he would have been a trifle put out .
12 Isabel had one quick glimpse of the fire smouldering in fitzAlan 's eyes as he lifted his head , then his mouth came down on hers in a kiss of such male dominance that she went completely limp .
13 The simple statement was delivered with such smug certainty that it made Caroline 's blood heat .
14 She regarded the Tollemarche ladies as being outside the pale , and had treated them with such blatant condescension that they had quailed , and had sought her goodwill by voting her hastily into offices in those organizations in which she had deigned to take an interest .
15 Caroline stared at him , stunned , hating him with such blinding rage that she did n't trust herself to speak .
16 Her soft hands were so unaccustomed to such hard work that it became — temporarily , Miss Mates said , until they hardened — difficult for her to help with the fine sewing , and the darning and repairing needed in the little house .
17 She spoke with such soft intensity that he stared at her for a long , thoughtful moment .
18 But they had had this conversation so often and to such little purpose that he had long ago abandoned his part of the dialogue .
19 The two boys gazed at her with such blazing admiration that she came close to blushing .
20 It was already making such good progress that it 's been able to grow and improve in spite of so much petty interference as the Labour Group has been able to put on it .
21 Meals are part of the holiday social life , and such good value that it makes little difference if you drop out for a day or two to eat locally .
22 Meals are part of the holiday social life , and such good value that it makes little difference if you drop out for a day or two to eat locally .
23 She lay down again and resolutely set her mind on sleep , with such good effect that she knew no more until a hand on her shoulder woke her .
24 He manufactured a concoction of such awesome vileness that it defies , even now , reasonable description .
25 The verdict was delivered with such casual brutality that I flushed with the shame of it — being kicked out like a clerk caught pinching pennies from the till .
26 Psychosis is when there is , at times , such severe distress that someone seems to lose touch with the familiar world altogether .
27 The finale of Scriabin 's seascape or marine evocation , in particular , is spine-tingling in Pogorelich 's magisterial hands with a climax of such searing intensity that one feels like echoing poor Miranda 's plea to Prospero , ‘ if by your art , my dearest father , you have/Put the wild waters in this roar , allay them …
28 What was n't sitting well was those sapphire eyes studying her with such disturbing intensity that she felt stripped to her soul !
29 Guy stood up and smiled down at her with such glittering mockery that she wanted to thump him .
30 Sometimes Alan said , ‘ He did n't wake at all last night , did he ? ’ with such pleased pride that she smiled and shook her head .
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