Example sentences of "should also [be] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In determining an appropriate dividend yield , regard should be had not only for comparable public company yields but allowance should also be made for factors such as non-negotiability , dividend cover , asset backing etc .
2 Reference here should also be made to s. 2(3) UCTA 1977 , which provides in relation to exclusion clauses :
3 Although the chief focus of this chapter is the ‘ house ’ and ‘ home ’ , it should also be kept in mind that this can be extended to apply to any circumstances or environment to which a woman gives structure and form .
4 Dr John Maunder , director of the Medical Entomology Centre ( MEC ) at the University of Cambridge , believes that Quellada shampoo is an obsolete treatment anyway , and that it should also be withdrawn from chemists .
5 The design for smooth weaving yarns should also be selected with care .
6 When initial appointments are made over the telephone , for instance if someone telephones to ask about vacancies , these should also be confirmed in writing .
7 The guidelines say they should be so informed , and it should also be confirmed in writing .
8 Walkers should also be prepared for inclement weather .
9 The phasing condition attached to the consent for application no. 396/90 should also be applied to Phase 2 , i.e. house completions from the whole site ( Phases 1 and 2 ) should not exceed 30 units per annum , of which a maximum of 20 units are family houses .
10 It should also be borne in mind that ancient marble statues were painted .
11 And of course it should also be borne in mind that cost-effectiveness is not the only consideration in assessing the value of such a scheme .
12 It should also be borne in mind that , in the current success of building surveying practice in the areas of project management — be the project new or refurbishment — and analysis of building performance , the medium through which these special skills are consolidated is client contact .
13 It should also be borne in mind that the directors control 56% of the company , with the balance held by shareholders not involved with the daily running of the business .
14 However , it should also be borne in mind that women , now 80 or more , belong to a generation whose chances of ever marrying were greatly reduced by the loss of eligible young men in the First World War ( 1914–18 ) .
15 It should also be borne in mind that the employment security of the regular labour force depends upon the employment insecurity of the temporary labour force .
16 It should also be borne in mind that the Court will not discount the multiplier with regard to the period between the accident and any ultimate Proof .
17 In selecting the sum for Tender it should also be borne in mind that in cases where an argument of contributory negligence is made , the pursuer himself may , in his own mind , be prepared to accept rather more blame for the accident than would probably be established after Proof .
18 It should also be borne in mind that the closing prices quoted by the FT are mid-prices between the bid and offer prices offered by the market-makers .
19 The possibility of progression to modules requiring higher levels of competence should also be borne in mind when designing programmes .
20 It should also be borne in mind that some high turnover projects contain a considerable element of government grants which are paid to the Council ‘ en bloc ’ for further distribution to participants .
21 It should also be borne in mind that in some circumstances , there may well be extensive consent requirements even on a share sale .
22 However , it should also be borne in mind that many other contracts have similar legislation governing exclusion and similar clauses .
23 Consideration should also be given to posture and exercise .
24 News of a proposed relocation should not only be communicated to employees but should also be given to suppliers and customers .
25 Individual boatmen should also be honoured through clubs nominating skippers for their ability to find fish and their helpfulness towards anglers .
26 Tests should also be ridden from memory — callers are not allowed .
27 Candidates for election to the National Executive should note that nominations should also be received at HQ by FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 7 , 1992 .
28 Any new timber which is introduced into the treated areas in repair or replacement work should also be treated with preservative containing an insecticide .
29 Time to install application — number of minutes taken to install application on target machine , which should also be noted as MHz of CPU and Hard Disk access time is also relevant in installation time .
30 £1 , 50p , 20p , 10p , 5p coins should be stacked in their respective denominations ; 2p , 1p or ½p coins should also be stacked into piles for easy checking and counting , then bundled into the appropriate cash bags supplied by the bank .
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