Example sentences of "should have be [art] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He should have been a choir master .
2 On that Sunday night there should have been a film show for the camp , but the projector was broken and the prisoner who knew the trade of projectionist and might have repaired it was serving his second consecutive fifteen day spell in a SHIzo isolation cell .
3 That there should have been a Navy League , a Tariff Reform League , and an Anti-Socialist Union filled with Conservatives was an indication that there were many Conservative supporters who felt that the Conservative party was not doing its job properly .
4 You should have been a guerrilla leader , Sara , you delight in winning small skirmishes . "
5 It should have been a family event , something special to celebrate the centenery .
6 What should have been a routine exercise in extending the Government 's borrowing power to $3.1 thousand billion became bogged down in wrangling over legislative initiatives lawmakers wanted to attach to the bill .
7 It should have been a bumper harvest , but since this wheat was ready to cut 2 weeks ago it 's rained virtually every day .
8 Indeed , DEC president Bob Palmer , was missing from what should have been a showpiece event .
9 George Graham blamed fatigue for the poor standard of entertainment in what should have been a showpiece occasion .
10 Today , the eighth of June , should have been , in Manchester , in Urmston in fact , for the family , there should have been a birthday party .
11 I think it would have been nice to announce the passing of these old trams ; there should have been a farewell trip on the Promenade ’ .
12 The first 16-bit generation was won hands-down by MS-DOS with Macintosh System in second place — and winning a moral victory by setting the agenda for what should have been the 32-bit generation but in effect became the second 16-bit generation , which seems to have been won by Microsoft Windows , even though for the majority , MS-DOS is all most people want or use .
13 The weekend should have been the danger period , not a Tuesday , a nothing day of the week when nobody did anything other than look back wistfully on the pleasures behind them and look forward to the unformed pleasures ahead .
14 The only fire-fighting equipment that every home should have is a fire blanket , which should be kept ion the kitchen close to , but not above , the cooker .
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