Example sentences of "may be [vb pp] to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Your personal recollection of evaluation may be limited to semi-formal evaluation ‘ sessions ’ tacked onto the end of a study block or course , when you were invited to give your personal views and answer preset questions on the strengths and weaknesses of the work or study methods , quality of lectures , usefulness of discussions and so on .
2 Many of the variables which may be related to subjective risk may also be related to subsequent recall of situations .
3 An abdominal type of fat distribution may be related to increased androgenicity of these women .
4 They suggest that this factor may be related to genetic abnormality or more rapid progression of growth in younger women .
5 Counselling is concerned with coping mechanisms which may be related to physical health problems , or may be personal and linked to relationships , or sociocultural issues including spiritual beliefs , or may be linked to economic difficulties .
6 With this knowledge , electoral behaviour may be related to local area social and economic characterisation .
7 According to this author , management may be related to formal authority within an organisation and managers-get others to do their bidding because of their organisational position .
8 It has been suggested , for instance , that language-impaired children 's problems with syntax may be related to imperfect acquisition of verb argument structures .
9 At a hearing before an enlarged Appellate Committee of the House of Lords , seven Lords of Appeal in Ordinary held in Pepper ( Inspector of Taxes ) v. Hart , Lord Mackay of Clashfern LC dissenting , that , in limited circumstances , reference may be made to parliamentary material as an aid to statutory construction .
10 In the former of these circumstances the old county histories may be searched to considerable effect , for not only may they describe the church as it then was , but give further clues as to where data may be found .
11 Following the transfer of responsibility for social rehabilitation of discharged patients in 1993 from the NHS to local authorities , greater emphasis may be given to developing work schemes .
12 There are three basic books which may be studied to good effect : A Complete Guide to Heraldry by A.C. Fox-Davies , revised in 1969 by John Brooke-Little , the present Norroy and Ulster King of Arms ; Boutell 's Heraldry , also revised by Brook-Little ( 1983 ) ; and A New Dictionary of Heraldry ( 1987 ) edited by Stephen Friar .
13 So , please think carefully before you take an axe to any ivy and consider the harm that may be done to countless woodland birds and insects .
14 Within the proviso therefore , that short-term visitors only may be offered to individual area secretaries , I would like to make the following proposals for which I am indebted to area staff colleagues for their help :
15 A previous Comair Dak which may be rebuilt to flying condition is ZS-EKK , which is steeped in African heritage .
16 If any readers have an idea what it might be and how it may be put to good use , please let me know — IM
17 This , at face value , at least supports the notion that short length of stay may be linked to subsequent readmission to hospital .
18 It may be linked to recurrent tonsillitis and the broken nights can cause sleepiness during the day , aggressive behaviour and difficulty with homework .
19 Whilst the pure search work may be sub-contracted to other specialist departments , MAS should have principal responsibility for monitoring the progress of the search process ( particularly ensuring that time is not being spent researching targets outside the purchaser 's price range ) and drawing together all the findings .
20 And it may be argued that centralist solutions are dangerous , not only because in any particular administration they may be used to bad effect , but because in principle they inhibit freedom .
21 The results of this approach are that some individuals may be committed to lifelong drug therapy which they do not need .
22 So since 1983 there has been a possibility that any estimate may be subjected to critical review by the House of Commons .
23 Because the CD68 antigen is derived from lysosomes , this finding is in agreement with the fact that lysosomal proteins may be subjected to apical transport , thus reaching the microvilli of polarised cells .
24 The vendors may be attracted to non-cash consideration which , subject to Inland Revenue clearance , allows the capital gains tax liability on the sale to be held-over ( ie deferred ) until the securities are sold .
25 Although some of this variation may be attributed to inherent reliability problems in the computation method or original poor data quality , other geological factors probably account for the greater part of the observed variation .
26 Part of the extraordinary success of this book may be attributed to skilful marketing — of part-issues between 1859 and 1861 , the illustrated edition in 1861 , and the cheap reissues begun by Samuel Beeton and continued by Ward , Lock , & Tyler , to whom he sold his titles after Isabella 's death .
27 As Struhsaker ( 1969 ) pointed out , uncertainties and irregularities in attempts to allocate primate species to socio-ecological grades may be attributed to phylogenetic heritage .
28 Great Yarmouth 's lead over its hinterland may be attributed to maritime enterprise , its fisheries in particular .
29 For between the basic drives that may be attributed to human nature and the social structures of human culture there enters a critical indeterminacy .
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