Example sentences of "may have been [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Young may have been exposed to Palmer 's ideas while a student of G. C. Lichtenberg in Göttingen .
2 Later Western mystics remained isolated from the mainstream in their cloisters and , though they may have been regarded as saints , they and their particular religious ideals remained a minority form of Western Christianity .
3 However , do it yourself equipment like homemade trickle filters and protein skimmers may have been constructed from plastic that is less than ideal .
4 As well as this , Vincent may have been influenced by Zola 's theory that one could make oneself an artist by an act of will , providing one had the temperament — ‘ Art is nature seen through a temperament ’ — and although natural talent was helpful , it was by no means essential .
5 Work of this kind demonstrated the significance of the Bronze and Iron Ages in reducing the forest cover of the British landscape particularly in upland Britain , where blanket peat growth may have been influenced by deforestation rather than simply by climatic change ( Simmons , 1980 ) .
6 Too much emphasis may have been placed on grants at the expense of loans for environmental improvements ( Meyer , 1986 ) .
7 We are concerned that at every level of government — in Europe , in Whitehall and in local authorities — some regulations may have been adopted in answer to legitimate concerns , but without proper regard to their overall impact on businesses and individuals .
8 ‘ Sir Ralph may have been slain by peasant leaders plotting rebellion .
9 A further small point : we may have been taught at school to avoid ending written sentences with a preposition , but the above sentence , apart from replacing ‘ commence ’ by ‘ begin ’ , sounds more natural if we do in fact end it with the preposition .
10 In the case of Augustus we are lucky enough to have the text of The Achievements of the Divine Augustus , which was inscribed on public buildings all over the Roman world and may have been written by Augustus himself during the course of his reign .
11 As for the fuller versions of the migration , as preserved in Fredegar 's Chronicle and in the Liber Historiae Francorum , they may have been written in response to the origin legends of the Goths , which had been developed by Cassiodorus and preserved by Jordanes .
12 It is sometimes argued that an experienced programmer can detect the ‘ general shape ’ of a particular high-level language X from blocks of machine code , just by hunch and judgement , but this ignores the possibility that the code may have been written in language Y with the syntactic style of X precisely in order to create this confusion ; just as one can murmur English with a German intonation and cause a distant listener to believe he is listening to unintelligible German .
13 Levi was interested in action , purpose , work , and capable of them : and the capacity may have been formed in contention with a desire to withdraw and perhaps to give up .
14 Some may have been worn as earrings .
15 It is possible that the ‘ villa ’ may have been planned for viticulture , with the use of steep valley sides for vine terraces ; however , no traces have been found .
16 Very rarely HIV may have been transmitted in breastmilk and women in the UK who are HIV antibody positive are advised not to breastfeed .
17 The ad may alter or undermine an unfavourable attitude or group of attitudes to the brand ( which may have been based on ignorance or emotion … ) .
18 Thus in some areas much of what we see in later landscapes may have been determined in outline before 4000 BC .
19 The information gained from such provings is enlarged by adding in any known toxic effects of the remedy in question which may have been noted in cases of poisoning ( either accidental or otherwise ) and is completed by noting any symptoms and signs which were not observed in the provings but which cleared up unexpectedly in patients given that remedy on the provings indications .
20 The number of people officially registered in some of the flats may have been swelled by visitors from neighbouring apartments .
21 In this case the survivors may have been weakened beyond recovery .
22 ‘ All right , ’ he conceded , ‘ I may have been mistaken about Richard , but can you blame me ?
23 The indemnity was described simply as a payment ‘ for making peace ’ , but it has been pointed out that the sum of £20,000 is close to the amount thought to have been extorted by the Scots from the northern counties of England over the years since Bannockburn , and the payment may have been seen as compensation for the destruction wrought in the north .
24 Women may have been seen as valuables by which means weaker groups would try to marry their girls ‘ upwards ’ in the creation of alliances , resulting in the occasional movement of ornamental metalwork some distance from the regions where they are most commonly found , the core area of a social grouping .
25 Aethelheard , abbot of Louth in Lindsey , who became archbishop of Canterbury in 792 , may have been seen in Kent as a ‘ symbol of Mercian rule ’ , but he appears to have obtained from Offa a confirmation of the immunity of Kentish churches ( CS 848 : S 134 ) 52 and he presided without Hygeberht over a synod at London attended by most of the bishops of southern England ( CS 265 : S 132 ) .
26 This may in part be explained by one half of the reciprocity taking the form of labour services and trade in consumables ; a large proportion of the goods which may be considered of high value by reason of the distance over which the raw materials had been transported , and their resulting rarity , may have been given for services , gifts or payments for work , what may be termed institutional exchange .
27 Fears that coursework vital to pupils ' examination grades may have been destroyed in Sunday 's blaze proved groundless .
28 I can not imagine why yours have started so quickly , unless they are older than they look — they may have been kept in conditions where they have not grown on , due to overcrowding , or because they have been left with their parents for too long .
29 But any government hesitation in approving the programme may have been reinforced by comments last week by Frank Land , professor of systems analysis at the London School of Economics .
30 I only ask because I have had educational advantages , courtesy both of Cambridge and the fresh , clean-limbed members of Her Majesty 's prison service , that may have been denied to readers who , while possessed of many excellent and succulently moist personal characteristics are , perforce , less verbally erudite than moi .
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