Example sentences of "may [not/n't] be [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All animals must compete for limited resources , but the competition may not be expressed in unrestrained battle to the death .
2 In this chapter , we will take a brief look at the variety of grammatical categories which may or may not be expressed in different languages and the way this area of language structure affects decisions in the course of translation .
3 The obese diabetic ( Ideal body weight > 120 per cent : Metropolitan Life Insurance Company , 1959 ) must be encouraged to lose weight as this has been found to have a blood-pressure-lowering effect which may or may not be related to concomitant reduction of dietary sodium ( Reisin et al , 1978 ; Tuck et al , 1981 ; Fagerberg et al , 1984 ) .
4 But as family size may not be tending to zero , it is evident that income and material benefits are not the only considerations in determining family size .
5 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
6 There are dangers in over emphasising a particular set of test scores in that the results may not be replicated in future years and all sorts of qualifiers will need to be introduced .
7 THE FULL resonance of this production may not be felt until next May .
8 It may not be charged on similar sales to purchasers outside the EC .
9 If the presumption of wives ' financial dependence on their husbands is not outdated in the 1980s , equitable treatment of the sexes in tax , pensions , social security and the financial arrangements on divorce may not be achieved by equal treatment .
10 The Stamp Office has issued a guidance note on which documents can benefit from the temporary higher threshold for stamp duty , where the documents are signed on or before 19 August , but relate to a sale that may not be completed until 20 August or later ( p 117 ) .
11 In response to the numbers of queries it has received , the Stamp Office has issued a guidance note on which documents can benefit from the higher threshold , in particular circumstances where the documents are signed on or before 19 August but relate to a sale which may not be completed until 20 August or later .
12 The rent charged should be enough to cover mortgage , rates , repairs and agents ' fees as well as tax but even this modest target may not be reached in many places without risk of taking in the wrong kind of tenant .
13 Counter arguments may not be employed to full effect , and individual injustices ( perhaps involving parents who have been subject to wholly baseless accusations ) may not be exposed .
14 The law makes it quite clear that a member of a local authority may not be employed by that authority .
15 Other areas , such as worker 's rights or indirect taxation , remain politically controversial and legally complex and legislation may not be adopted for some time .
16 The 5000-word critical analysis , which may or may not be supported by graphical evidence , has also been criticised as being a test more of the candidate 's authorship than of his professional ability , and an exercise more easily tackled by the ex-full-time student than by the part-time candidate .
17 It never hurts to give an extra and helpful bit of information to your friends in the media which may not be connected in any way to your client .
18 Some information is registered and acted upon , other information may register but be stored and recalled later whilst other information may not be registered at all .
19 The eating disorders and other forms of addictive disease may not be seen at all except in their extreme forms .
20 An almost universal feature of determination is that it involves subtle chemical changes , almost certainly turning on or off genes , and the overt result may not be seen for many hours .
21 Case management in rehabilitation work with these clients involves specific ( sometimes called ‘ intense ’ ) components , such as skills training , medication review , assertive outreach , 24 hour coverage , etc. , which may not be seen in other forms of case management .
22 These positive responses are desirable and would indeed change the nature of the family and would be in the best interests of the black child and his or her parents , but may not be seen in this light by the white family .
23 For example , taxes may not be levied and public money may not be expended without the authority of an Act of Parliament ; an individual may not be deprived of personal liberty without positive legal authority ; private property may not be seized or searched by government except with legal authority .
24 Hope that our miners may not be faced with long term unemployment .
25 Do n't have ice in your drinks — it may not be made with purified water
26 A tender offer , on the other hand , may not be made for 30 per cent or more of a company 's voting rights .
27 If a decision has been taken to sell or terminate an operation and the reporting entity is demonstrably committed to the sale or termination , then provisions should be made only for the direct costs of the sale or termination and any operating losses of the operation up to the date of sale or termination ; provisions for future operating losses may not be made in other circumstances .
28 Their effects may not be noticed for many years .
29 Large district libraries with bookstocks of between 40,000 to 100,000 volumes should ‘ meet the demands of all those whose main need is for books and information on specific subjects , even though they may not be engaged in formal study ’ , and also ‘ meet the needs of those who wish to select their books from a wide range of cultural or recreational materials of high standard ’ .
30 These results should be treated with a little caution , as the group surveyed is not statistically representative of the total population of practitioners throughout the country , and the costs estimated may not be based on detailed analyses of time and expenses .
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