Example sentences of "may [be] used [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This may be used at a variety of levels of sophistication and economic generality , thus : 5.3 i ) Models at company level may be based on econometric equations for instance to analyse the relationship between price and demand , perhaps using the model .
2 Two main types : ( i ) Operations Research models , which are an abstraction of real systems or processes which are used to represent the basic variable and constant features of the reality , so that its behaviour or process can be explored , explained and simulated ; ( ii ) Macroeconomic and econometric models which may be used at a company level , or at a more general industry or economy level .
3 Such systems may be used for a variety of purposes .
4 Semantic information may be used for a variety of linguistic purposes .
5 The same device may be used for a variety of potential functions , just as different devices may share a single function .
6 However , such formalisms may be used as a knowledge base against which input can be checked for semantic consistency ( e.g. Grosz , 1986 ) .
7 This method may be used as a check on the reasonableness of valuations on other bases since it gives an indication of the minimum likely value .
8 In addition , literature provides examples of different kinds of language use and may be used as a stimulus for a variety of learning activities ( see chapter 7 ) .
9 At an unconscious level , distaste , lack of desire or avoidance of bodily intimacy may be used as a defence against the experience of ultimate aloneness which can follow the fusion of intercourse .
10 One may get displaced on to the other , or one , a problem in its own right , may be used as a defence against the other .
11 Physical restraint may be used as a defence against potential or escalating violence but it should only be employed if there is a reasonable chance of success .
12 As the time taken for secreted enzyme to pass into the duodenum is relatively small ( three to four minutes ) , the delay period may be used as a measure of the time taken for the synthesis of new enzymes by the acinar cell .
13 Both may be used as a shopping method ( selected for its convenience ) rather than as a type of credit .
14 The test may be used as a screening device , although it is relatively time-consuming to administer compared with other tests .
15 Any BBCBASIC(Z80) numeric variable may be used as a label .
16 The detachable motor assembly may be used as a mini-grinder with the correct attachments , but the elongated shape of the motor housing does make the router feel ‘ top heavy ’ .
17 The use of readmission rates as an indicator of outcome rests upon the assumption that they may be used as a proxy for morbidity resultant from poor clinical care .
18 Of course , at the simplest possible level the PE spectrum may be used as a fingerprint , allowing us to identify a pure sample or a constituent of a mixture by comparison with known spectra .
19 In many ways Warner 's chapter may be used as a starting point for an exploration of points of contact between the two exhibitions at Stoke-on-Trent .
20 A further example of this is shown in Table 8.1 ; each personnel record holds a number of fields , any one of which may be used as a key .
21 This specimen may be used as a guide to the type of letter to be sent to a more experienced client for whom we are acting in connection with the sale of a company .
22 This specimen may be used as a guide to the type of letter to be sent to a less experienced client for whom we are acting in connection with the sale of a company .
23 A former slaughter house at Valley Street North , Darlington , may be used as a showroom for heating equipment if proposals are agreed by Darlington council .
24 The budget may be used as a source for the control of authorizing of expenditure .
25 The term " workaholic " may be used as a term of abuse but workaholism should not be confused with high energy and dedicated efforts towards a defined goal .
26 The ways in which semantic information may be used within a text recognition system have been described , and a number of possible system architectures discussed .
27 All methods of borrowing open to individuals may be used by a company with the additional method of issuing a debenture .
28 The program designer in creating material of a much less familiar kind , needs a clear view of how the teaching unit may be used by a variety of teachers and how he may help them use it effectively .
29 The practice of ‘ back-door ’ rights issues enabled companies to evade the requirements of pre-emptive rights by getting shareholders to agree to a paper issue ( an expansion of the authorized capital which , if not being sold to raise additional capital , may be used in a share swap ) for the purpose of taking over an investment trust .
30 ‘ Professionalism ’ and ‘ relationships ’ ( or ‘ confidential relationships ’ ) are also relevant words in this discussion which may be used in a way that is highly supportive of , or very antagonistic to , access to information by the person to whom it relates .
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