Example sentences of "should be [verb] [subord] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 The solution is to muffle as many of these surfaces as you can : tables should be covered , floors should be carpeted , and windows should be curtained unless it is essential to admit daylight to the scene .
2 ‘ The plant should be relocated because it 's in the wrong place , ’ Llew Smith , the local Euro-MP , told me .
3 But credit should be given where it is due , and it is clear that in the years before the report the Goldsmiths were considering — still in a vague way and mindful of the possibility of a Government Inquiry — how " a more liberal observance of the apparent intentions of the Founders ' might be effected .
4 This endorsement should be applied where it is necessary to restrict the cover to furniture , furnishings and household appliances .
5 Where such a movement has occurred , or there has been rumour and speculation , the Panel should be consulted if it is proposed not to make an immediate announcement .
6 The acquisition of evidence and the presentation of evidence are linked , of course , in that it may be necessary to decide what should be presented before it is acquired although more usually it is a matter of presenting what can be acquired .
7 Addressing the GPC on March 2 , Kadhafi repeated his suggestion that Libyans generally should be free to organize all import and export trade by themselves , adding that " any organization which takes care of this should be disbanded because it is officially a burden on the state " .
8 The making of notes should be avoided when it is not necessary .
9 Dalgliesh thought of him as a type of police officer less common than formerly but still not rare ; the conscientious and incorruptible detective of limited imagination and somewhat greater intelligence who had never supposed that the evil of the world should be condoned because it was frequently inexplicable and its perpetrators unfortunate .
10 The Chamber of the House of Commons was damaged by bombs during the Second World War and when deciding whether it should be rebuilt as it was originally , or along the lines of the Houses of Parliament in Ottawa and elsewhere in the Commonwealth ( ’ one representative : one desk ’ ) , Winston Churchill and Clement Attlee , with other senior politicians , plumped for the old ways — and the old ways were those of adversarial politics .
11 Margaret Thatcher will next month tell an international conference that the trade in wastes for incineration should be allowed where it is the best environmental option for existing wastes .
12 Property rental income net of rates and other outgoings should be shown if it is a material part of total revenue .
13 The difference between market value and book value of land should be disclosed where it is substantial and the directors think it is of significance to the members .
14 The difference between the market value and book value of land should be disclosed where it is substantial and the directors think it is of significance to the members .
15 Property rental income net of rates and other outgoings should be disclosed if it is a material part of total revenue .
16 A big bream should be weighed immediately it is caught , for these fish can lose a lot of weight in a short time in a keepnet or keepsack .
17 This should be stressed because it is another important fact of change in the elderly population over time .
18 The International M & A Network should be used where it is believed that the opportunity has international attractions .
19 Any move in this direction should be resisted because it is vital as part of the monitoring process to see what impact the single market is having on our national economy .
20 No-one in authority has yet ventured to say how often a level should be attained before it is confirmed or what allowance should be made , if any , for the pupil who will unlearn .
21 It should be sown where it is to grow , as it transplants badly , and thinned to 23cm ( 9in ) each way .
22 Left forearm rotation may happen unconsciously , in which case it should be left as it is .
23 I think it should be left as it is , but this is a matter for the historians .
24 The Earth was created by the assistance of the sun , and it should be left as it was
25 As the sensitivity of stress testing is poor in patients with anterior infarction some authors have suggested that all patients with an anterior infarct and reduced left ventricular function should be catheterised as it is patients such as these with triple vessel disease that benefit most from revascularisation .
26 The Code provides that the search should be discontinued if it is clear that the goods are not on the premises unless the police have the right to continue the search under different power .
27 Another fairly important change was that a review by a review board should be discontinued if it was established that the inspector 's report did not adversely affect the reputation of the person who applied for the review .
28 The distinction between sheep of hardy and other breeds should be abolished because it is only very loosely related to degree of handicap .
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