Example sentences of "very good [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They were correct 92 times out of Ill , indicating very good awareness of the amount of time elapsed .
2 Very good part of the investigation .
3 Foreign visitors will expect the receptionist to have a very good knowledge of the country in general .
4 ‘ I was lucky in that I was appointed as the group was beginning to take off so I had a very good relationship with the plc directors .
5 Wigan chairman Jack Robinson said : ‘ Andy Goodway has been a very good servant of the club .
6 In a remnant of old forest I came on some grazing deer and quickly dropped to ground and crawled in under a small bank where I was able to stay out of sight , out of smell , and enjoy a very good look at the herd .
7 So far there has been a very good response to the society , membership is climbing steadily , and many offers of help are being received .
8 For example there is very good correlation between the arrival of swallows and summer , but no one suggests that the presence of swallows causes summer .
9 Pepys , who sailed with Ken in the flagship , describes how he gave ‘ a very good sermon on the duty of subjects to their Prince ’ and how in Tangiers he preached against the vices of the town and later ‘ engaged in very high discourse ’ with the Governor , the infamous Colonel Kirke , about the excessive liberty of swearing .
10 Alastair was a tall , handsome man , who would have looked very good striding over the heather in a kilt .
11 Aith lifeboat had been making very good progress towards the scene , in extremely bad weather conditions , but was recalled on hearing that the survivor had been rescued .
12 ‘ Paddock grazing ’ , in which the grassland is divided into small paddocks , grazed hard for a short period and then rested for up to three weeks , is a very good system for the control of parasite worms , the life cycle of which is broken during the rest periods .
13 Certainly Frager makes a very good case for the use of the early instrument .
14 If the story has gone through to printing the PRO 's stock will be even lower and he should not expect very good coverage in the future .
15 It is actually a very good performance of the piece , so it is possible to conclude that Ravel was present only in an advisory capacity , if at all .
16 I think it would be a very good idea for the leaflet to be written by a cyclist , and I would be interested in doing something myself .
17 The class teacher will be assessing pupils ' achievement across a range of subjects , and will have a very good idea of the child 's progress and development .
18 The reason for that is that they 're in a very good position in the market now , they , they can negotiate very good deals on houses they 're buying , there 's a very good choice of properties available , people by the mid nineteen nineties will look back on nineteen ninety as probably the time to have bought , when house prices were at their cheapest .
19 For those animals which have backbones , the rate of their heartbeats is a very good indication of the rate at which they live their lives .
20 The numbers on the tickets illustrated gives a very good indication of the volume of traffic between the several stations .
21 Saunders added : ‘ It is becoming a very good team with the defence looking really solid . ’
22 They did n't take very good care of the library .
23 Thank you Pauline , very , that er very good report on the Health Service .
24 He had a very good collection from the period before the Avant-garde , including a lot of works by Falk , Lentulov , and Pavel Kuznetsov .
25 I got a very good deal on the buoyancy aid .
26 We all use a reef knot in erm first aid and again it is in the book a very good illustration in the book
27 The second reason is that church schools in general represent very good value for the taxpayer .
28 One contributor pointed out that there does n't seem to be any very good reason for the bill .
29 ‘ A very good grounding in the subject with sound advice for current implementation and interesting observations on future developments . ’
30 He was living in Redruth at the time and the long drive up to the parsonage seemed a very good place for the test .
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