Example sentences of "very [adv] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Two years later he built Hinderton , which faintly resembles a French château mixed very weakly with a Scottish manse .
2 Earlier this year , however , the state minister for primary industries , Dr Kang Yaik , had been reported as saying that there had been a " phenomenal " increase in production and that there was no need to for reductions because " exploitation is carried out very properly on a sustainable yield basis " .
3 Most shares change in price most days — usually by very little and only infrequently by quite a lot , and then very rarely by a huge amount , say 50 per cent or more .
4 Before very long on a planetary time scale the surface temperatures would reach Cytherean values .
5 Eventually , then , I decided the best strategy would be simply to stride out of the room very suddenly at a furious pace .
6 The ticket office was transformed into a bedroom , what was the gents toilet today houses a shower , and the parcel room serves very nicely as a spacious sitting room .
7 For really top class Joplin you need pay only a little more for a selection from Dick Hyman 's complete survey mentioned above , but at less than a fiver , Arpin 's disc will do very nicely for a representative sample of Joplin — which is really all I can take in a single sitting !
8 This ambiguity comes out very nicely in a different way in the case of the religious concepts and behaviour of an East African people called the Lugbara , who live in Uganda .
9 The control panel is sited very sensibly in a line-of-sight position , on the upper edge of the body , toward the neck joint .
10 Cook it very gently in a covered pot for about z /z hours .
11 Thank you so very much for a lovely evening on Friday , it really was delightful .
12 And they were still chatting comfortably with each other when she rejoined them in the living-room , feeling very much like a spare part .
13 It looks very much like a right angle .
14 It is unlikely that any component of the nervous system carries out exactly the same computation as the zero-crossing detector described in the previous paragraph but it is possible to make a simpler device that works very much like a zero-crossing detector .
15 Here we have something that looks very much like a totalitarian welfare state in microcosm , and which must have powerfully contributed to Schreber 's psychosis , which featured delusions of passive submission to impregnation by an omnipotent solar god .
16 Because of their large size and numbers ( they can look very much like a large serving of spaghetti ! ) , they can completely obstruct an intestine .
17 The Femidom is a new female condom looking very much like a larger version of the male variety , except these things are ribbed at both ends , a bit like a fisherman 's keep net .
18 This gaping wound that bereavement inflicts on the emotions will react , and should be treated , very much like a Physical wound .
19 It may be a cliché , but the compactness , the lack of weight , abundance and responsiveness of power , massively powerful brakes and rigidity of suspension all add up to a car that feels very much like a big kart .
20 It has good insulation and feels very much like a down bag .
21 put most simply , being at a loose end leads men to the vice of drunkenness and the crime of murder ; and the jobless Marmeladov and the ex-student Raskolnikov are both very pointedly at a loose end .
22 It was rated very highly as a causal prophylactic .
23 The best made by far was the Ricoll and given a set of decently engraved keytops this would rate very highly as a direct replacement system and is also quite attractively priced .
24 Laura had always aspired to the very best within a certain budget ; her budget had now expanded .
25 One flight with a party of American fishermen on board , ‘ DRD blew one of its cylinders and the aircraft was put down very quickly onto a small lake , in a decidedly unserviceable condition .
26 A temporary repair can also be made very quickly with a burst pipe clamp .
27 Adverse conditions can deteriorate water quality very quickly in a small aquarium and the water chemistry tends to fluctuate more destroying any stability .
28 I think there 's a danger , if we keep surveying a wide range over a long term , you end up by not moving forward very quickly in a particular direction .
29 This research can be set up and carried out very quickly by a competent research agency , and will cost ( 1992 prices ) some £1200 per group or £110–125 per individual interview .
30 They looked as if they had been dressed in a hurry and not very suitably for a long walk on the headland , even in a warm autumn .
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