Example sentences of "very [adj] [conj] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although her mum was upset and her dad was cross they did n't chuck her out but have been very supportive and she still lives at home with her two-year-old son .
2 Even though I come from Cuba and have naturally dark skin , it 's very dry so I always carry my Must de Cartier body lotion with me .
3 Some of them are very , very frail and they really get something out of the music , ’ said Mr Harper who likes nothing better than a foot-tapping , clapping and smiling congregation .
4 ‘ She drinks very little and she never prostituted herself . ’
5 The discussions at the end of each lecture were animated and sometimes a little heated , for Hindu students , Muslims and Buddhists were a little critical at having to attend any Christian lecture and were very emphatic that they much preferred their own religion to that of Christianity .
6 I was very strong and he never tired me : sometimes I carried him on our afternoon walks instead of taking the pram , just for the pleasure of feeling my arms ache under his weight .
7 Although dislocations do exist in non-metallic crystals they are not usually very mobile and they seldom breed , thus dislocation movement does not play any important part in the way non-metals behave .
8 In many cases they get very depressed or they even die , because their image of themselves is very much bound up with work and .
9 The young dog , new to the job , ran about excitedly causing more confusion ; the old one , who was an expert , was so very old that he continually rolled over and fell asleep .
10 It 's very very funny because I actually laughed about it when I listened to it on tape first of all and I felt well maybe
11 Where space is particularly limited sliding mirrored doors prove very popular as they automatically create an illusion of spaciousness in even the smallest of rooms .
12 Roman 's gaze was very direct when he finally spoke again .
13 Bob Martin , from the Darlington Milk Buyers , said customers had been very generous and they still had more to collect .
14 And that it 's very disorganised and you never know where you are regarding rooms .
15 It was strained through sieves into stone water jars , and if the truth were told , it was probably not very alcoholic and it certainly had a short life .
16 As I mentioned before , vitamins are chemically very unstable and they certainly do not take well to this sort of treatment .
17 It is very easy when someone finally opens their filter sufficiently to say ‘ I feel angry about such and such ’ or ‘ I feel fearful ’ to turn around and tell them why a Christian should not feel that way .
18 I know it was n't very witty but it certainly galvanised my Dad .
19 Erm so we did n't pay very very much but they certainly had , they did , er they tried to standardize the , the nurses .
20 Now Dr Winfield — and I have ratified this — made 127 sorties ; he could not have enjoyed his period at the Institute very much because he never seemed to he there , But he would come on a station with some project he wanted to fully research and he believed the only way to fully research these things was to " try them out on the dog " .
21 But there was one which I liked very much and which still makes me laugh , which was n't to do with my performance , but with my appearance .
22 Aha for the studio theatre to be dark t during the autumn and I I do regard the studio theatre as the frenzied heart of a theatre and I have enjoyed many of the performances very much and I just hope very much we can just get some more money from somewhere carry on I
23 And also I hear Mrs is n't well so I can need to pray for Mrs and I think also today we should pray for Mrs who I know , at this very time as Remembrance Sunday is coming up , she will be very sad so we particularly ask for prayers for her .
24 and my brother Glen , he 's ver he 's , he 's forgetful , he 's very forgetful and he always wants a clean up the sitting room .
25 ‘ I imagine , daddy , ’ Matilda said quietly , ‘ that you were n't looking very hard and you simply took mummy 's bottle of hair stuff off the shelf instead of your own . ’
26 Speaking as a single parent who was left with children of twelve and eight , it is very hard and I often think it would be a good thing if social workers were better able to explain to young girls who are left with babies , just what it 's going to be like .
27 We 're not picking on you we 're just trying to get a conversation going here like , but it 's very hard when you just sit there and say nothing .
28 ‘ We have perhaps exceeded most people 's expectations by the way we have played this season , yet we are very conscious that we still have one more game to go , ’ he reasoned .
29 Unitarians were very conscious that they too had suffered discrimination ; they were a group who , because of their heterodoxy , were ‘ everywhere spoken against ’ .
30 Bob Henry , you must be aware of some of the criticisms which were levelled at the companies which were put out by arts associations , where they say really it 's very self-indulgent and nobody much goes to see this particular type of dance group .
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