Example sentences of "any [adj] [noun sg] be to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The law provides that the business of your employer and that of any associated employer are to be treated as one for redundancy law purposes , if appropriate .
2 But as I quickly discovered , if any real progress is to be made even the most reactionary views need to be listened to and respected .
3 The role of the Task Force , as specified by the Prime Minister 's Office , was essentially a strategic vision : broad issues were to be raised ; the direction of any additional expenditure was to be stipulated ; and longer-term policies were to be highlighted .
4 It requires either a full repeat survey to identify the life style-groups again if any follow-up research is to be done , or else the creation of a sort of shorthand classification for research and analysis ; it seems that different products tend to be best looked at in terms of rather different life style groupings , so that , ideally , each requires its own major survey — which rather loses the point of the exercise — and researchers have had some difficulty in replicating the results .
5 There was , however , one perfectly clear and simple condition which had to be fulfilled if any rational deduction was to be drawn as to the effect of abolition .
6 Consultation with Computer Services , and acceptance of any conditions arising , would be required where any other approach is to be used .
7 ‘ If nuisance from smell of either animal waste processing or any other industry is to be minimised , good planning is important . ’
8 Held , that in the opinion of the court , ( 1 ) a stay for delay or any other reason was to be imposed only in exceptional circumstances ; that , even where delay could be said to be unjustifiable , the imposition of a permanent stay was to be the exception rather than the rule ; and that even more rarely could a stay properly be imposed in the absence of fault on the part of the complainant or the prosecution , and never where the delay was due merely to the complexity of the case or contributed to by the defendant 's actions ( post , pp. 18H — 19A ) .
9 The allegation does not disclose how the problem was to be resolved and in any event assumes that the difficulty can be solved by an agreement between the plaintiff and the defendants whereas the intervention and agreement of Mr. Brant would also have been necessary if any concrete step were to be taken .
10 If , under the law of the requesting authority , the evidence is to be given on oath or any special form is to be used , this should be included , along with any special procedure to be followed under Article 9 .
11 Such visual pictures , and thinking oneself into the functioning of landscapes , is essential if any true understanding is to be achieved .
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