Example sentences of "first [noun sg] [pron] have been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 THERE is a first time for everything : Aladdin was the first panto I 'd been to and the first Frank Bruno has performed in .
2 It 's the first day I 've been with them and I thought I do n't know .
3 This is the first time we 've been in a University .
4 It 's the first time we have been on a coach holiday and we were a bit apprehensive .
5 It 's the first time they 've been to Britain , even though some have been teaching English for twenty years ; they 're staying at the Oxford House School of English , and will also visit the Oxford University Press as the trip has been made possible by an East German publishing house .
6 This was the first time I had been to the house and it seemed enormous .
7 This was the first time I 'd been into a prison and a number of things struck me during the day .
8 It was difficult — you know , first time I 'd been in charge .
9 It 's the first time I 've been to a game of footie in a Porsche , and it will probably be the last , but it was fun , and added to the enjoyment of another thoroughly enjoyable day out Leeds watching .
10 ‘ As this is the first time I 've been to Ca ’ del Leone , the answer must be no . ’
11 I have to say this is the first time I 've been in this position since I took over . ’
12 Every year several of the participants have said to me , ‘ I have been studying in Britain for a year , but this is the first time I have been inside a British home ’ .
13 ‘ No , but it is not the first time I have been in such a situation .
14 It was the first time she 'd been in such a grand vehicle , and when she looked over the side she seemed so high up she was dizzy .
15 In practice , she learnt to ski ; but it was the first time she had been away from her friends and family , the first time she had been on a plane , the first time she had been abroad , and she was desperately unhappy .
16 It was the first time she had been into the city since that awful night of the cockfight back in February .
17 I was to write about it for Cosmopolitan , she for Trud ; it was the first time she had been outside the Soviet bloc .
18 As Elijah Moshinsky looked out from the roof-top coffee shop of the plush hotel overlooking Plymouth Hoe — in which he is ensconced during rehearsals of Shadowlands — he confessed that this was the first time he had been to Plymouth in his life .
19 Athelstan stood in the hallway looking carefully around for this was the first time he had been to Cranston 's house and met his wife .
20 But then again , that 's the first time he 's been in ring since
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