Example sentences of "first [noun] [pron] 've [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's the first chance I 've had of spending a couple of months at home , leading a normal life and just doing things that are interesting to do .
2 but make me laugh even now , she said the first , the first memories I 've got of new little boy that starting in he looked at this little boy , she said , so , so excited by said with this pure white hair and the
3 It 's the first vacation I 've had in seven years .
4 Pitman , which is the U K leading er , business book publisher increased sales by sixteen percent and Alhambra after the er , reorganization is doing rather well and the first book we 've published on the new Spanish educational curriculum is forty percent ahead of er , budget .
5 ’ You mean , this is the first Visitation you 've had from the dread Portia Forbes ? ’
6 After we had finished eating , my mother said : " Jill , that 's the first meal you 've eaten in total silence since you were three months old .
7 first thing I 've had for a long time is er that .
8 This is what happens with tax exempt sources and by looking at a TESSA and assuming you pay the maximum each year which are those figures and assuming that the interest rate stays at seven and a half percent , it wo n't but it 's seven and a half percent at the moment , then this is what happens , at the end of the first year you 've put in your three thousand your interest at seven and a half percent is two twenty five and you would otherwise pay tax at fifty six at twenty five percent or twenty or forty which would be those figures , but you do n't .
9 I 've been here for years and this is the first conversation I 've had with a human for simply ages .
10 M : it is — it is quite good they 've certainly kept within the + em + + preserved it reasonably well or conserved it but we were up in Aberdeen this year for a holiday and we were staying right within the University complex there in Old Aberdeen+ and + oh some of the buildings there are beautiful really they really are nice + but er I was quite impressed with it — it 's the first holiday we 've had up there +
11 That break in Sicily with my friends , and sailing down here on the Kestrel , was the first holiday I 've taken in ages … ’
12 they did n't know I mean like first newsletter we 've had in ages .
13 Well , this is the first time we 've heard of him here in Switzerland .
14 The impact of the section has been very broadly based in the city , and for the first time we 've added for you in very brief terms , a Domiciliary Health information of just the total number of visits made by the city health care , erm and the level of work in terms of notices served , and prosecutions , note , going up in most of the sections , particularly their units they 're small numbers , but they are significant , just the same , and the table on the top of page forty-four , erm as I said earlier , I think we reached the highest level of insect complaints in the summer that we 've ever had to deal with , it 's very usual for us to deal with a thousand , over in the summer period , this time we dealt with sixteen hundred .
15 The appearance at Fairford is the first time they 've appeared in the west and it 's a matter of immense pride to them .
16 ‘ This is the first time you 've attended to me since I 've been here , ’ he commented , his expression speculative as he glanced up at her .
17 ‘ Will this be the first time you 've worked in theatre ? ’
18 ‘ D' you mean to tell me that this is the first time you 've slept with anyone ? ’ he asked incredulously .
19 Heading west on the return flight path , the instructor said , ‘ This is the first time I 've flown with a pupil and have n't once needed to touch the controls . ’
20 " First time I 've heard of it , " Janet cried .
21 But this must be the first time I 've puked for about two years .
22 ‘ That was the first time I 've played with Kevin .
23 And let me tell you , this is n't the first time I 've thought of it , either . ’
24 It was the first time I 've spoken to him in years . ’
25 Good heavens , that 's the first time I 've shouted since 1976 …
26 This is the first time I 've come into the Unit , you know , Barbara !
27 I 'm Nancy , and this is the first time I 've come to one of these meetings .
28 Well I said to Mr , I said well this is the first time I 've sat in your lounge for nearly two years .
29 I think it 's possibly the thirteenth consecutive year I 've been on the committee and for the first time I 've managed to be elected .
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