Example sentences of "people [prep] [noun prp] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We 'd had a huge rally of 10,000 people for Ronald Reagan at the Southern Methodist University in Dallas and I was flying on to Los Angeles with one of the co-ordinators the next morning .
2 Due to the emigration of the people of East Germany to the West — there had been two million people removing in the ten years up to 1961 — a wall was constructed between that part of Berlin controlled by the Communists and the other parts which were controlled by the Federal republic with Britain , France and the United States of America .
3 ‘ The government and the people of Israel share in the grief experienced by Belgian Jews , ’ he said .
4 The oppressed people of Israel cry to the Lord to send them deliverance .
5 Up in the Pennines , nine out of ten people of Staincliffe wapentake in the West Riding of Yorkshire owned less than a pound 's worth of moveables .
6 Ah , let me just say what leaders of peacetime Margaret was after early life was that a cold mother who was erm , full of personality People of London biography of the leader of the Conservative , because at least half the book is about
7 Now they appear to be trying to take the people of Norris Green down the same road and we refuse to go .
8 I would not wish to underestimate the capabilities of my fellow countrymen for self-deception ; but it is difficult to believe that there can be further instalments of the saga which began for the people of Great Britain with the successful revolt of the American colonies .
9 ( This is reported to have occurred among the people of Niue Island in the South Pacific , and in Sierre Leone . )
10 The sea is a barrier , and often a stormy one , which separates the people of Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK .
11 The disruption of agrarian society encouraged by modern industry and commerce pushed people like Nicolae Ceauşescu into the new world against their will , but also supplied them with a new ideology to explain their anger and frustration , and to make use of them .
12 And when people like Michael Bilington from the Guardian comes here what they are interested in are the Irish shows , not the visiting productions which they can see anytime .
13 Smith therefore needs people like Tom Clarke in the shadow Cabinet .
14 Roman Italy again provides an analogy : the roads built by people like Aemilius Lepidus in the first half of the second century physically facilitated the political and cultural unification of Italy in the course of the next 150 years .
15 It is always a surprise why people like Tawell resort to the ultimate solution , when there are other courses open to them .
16 6% of all people with AIDS and 8% of all known people with HIV infection in the UK have haemophilia .
17 The small stout man had kept up a constant chatter as he accompanied the two young people into Dublin city on the train .
18 It is a summary of Lothian 's newly published Community Care Plan and tells you how we hope to develop our services for people in Lothian Region over the next three years .
19 ‘ However , these animals are here and we must look after them and make full use of them to bring the attention of people in Northern Ireland to the plight of thousands of other , much less fortunate , chimpanzees . ’
20 As controversy rages over the forcible repatriation of the Vietnamese boat people from Hong Kong by the British , and the United States and Britain continue heated exchanges on that and other related matters , such as the possible role of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia 's future , it becomes increasingly clear that Vietnam 's legacy is not confined to those who lost and won the war .
21 Later , Scotland United held their first public rally and attracted an estimated 3,000 people to George Square in the centre of Glasgow .
22 But they were not looking at one point , as the worshippers did at the Wimbledon Islamic Boys ' School ( Day Independent ) : they were moving up and down , backwards and forwards , bumping into each other and generally carrying on like people at Victoria Station during the rush hour .
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