Example sentences of "people [prep] [noun] [noun prp] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The people of West Gloucestershire say they 'll vote for which ever party solves the areas main problem .
2 He was prepared to stand out and fight on their own , and let the people of West Ham say who should represent them .
3 ‘ Did you know , Miguel , that the people of Santa Barbara think you 're uptight ?
4 The 1948 British Nationality Act renamed them Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies ( CUKCs ) , but the people of Hong Kong retained their right of abode in Britain and during the 1950's were positively encouraged to go to the ‘ Mother Country ’ to fill job vacancies .
5 The Government must encourage the people of Northern Ireland to give their support for the security forces by giving the correct political leadership .
6 I , I 'm as astonished as you are , erm , the , the way in which people like Talker Parsons did it was , they regarded these basic er , personal psychological drives as a kind of putty , that could then be moulded by social pressure .
7 It would be nice to see how people like Manfred Trenz design their games .
8 To involve people in Billy Graham Crusades we asked for a specific and limited commitment , something that people understood and could accept : a prayer meeting in their home once a week , for five weeks only ; giving a monthly gift to the Crusade , for six months only .
9 Are you telling me that Leo — Matt , ’ she corrected herself impatiently , ‘ came over here because these people in Port Headland asked him to ? ’
10 When asked their social class , about 70% of people in Great Britain identify themselves as working ( or ‘ upper working ’ ) class , and about 25% as middle class .
11 B. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution , about 200 years ago , the way most of the people in Northern Ireland make their living has depended on the links that business managers and factory owners have made with the mainland , especially with Scotland and England .
12 there 's four people in Northern Ireland doing it .
13 ‘ I felt that the people at Morgan Grenfell fitted my style . ’
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