Example sentences of "these [noun pl] [conj] [pron] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I would suggest that we can deal with these parties if they arise but that we should not hold up the negotiations with the top four .
2 I anticipate that in 1991 we will re-visit most of these subjects and I expect that we will address several others such as skills shortages , innovation policy and education policy proposals .
3 Mick , the National Officer has been er , the link between these organizations and I hope that the er , Professional erm , Boxers ' Association will give some credit to the G M B in erm , establishing themselves and we hope , as an organization , that in the future that they can be successful and we can be sure they will be because they 've not only got the likes of Barry but they 've got many other , prominent er , boxers who will , I 'm sure , establish erm , the Association in a very er , positive fashion .
4 Some of her happiest hours were passed in making these costumes and she found that time flew by — it seemed she had barely started before her mother was calling for her to have her bath and go to bed .
5 modern traffic calming measures however er I believe we have experts on the Council er in these matters but I believe that by narrowing the road and perhaps giving us pavements because one of our problems is that we have not got a continuous pavement through the village , and it is necessary to cross the road four times in some cases to walk from one end to the other .
6 Mrs Thatcher argues that the government 's success in revitalising the economy has now provided the resources for tackling these problems and she claims that many will be solved within the next five years .
7 One considers oneself able to be a Christian while holding to these principles because one believes that these very principles are fundamental to Christianity , or at least not incommensurate with it .
8 The subject has not been fully researched before and the author feels strongly that it is important to record these memories before they fade and are finally destroyed .
9 It is for the loss of these things that we weep and it is in the weeping that we clear the path for renewal of our hope and trust in life itself , rather than in individual and fragile dreams .
10 ‘ But , Mr Broadhurst , sir , all these things that I do and think , they 're just habits , are n't they ?
11 I say I worked , but I mean it was for a charity which ran one of these centres where they try and help the socially deprived .
12 Most parents will readily describe these features but they say that the problem behaviours get in the way of appreciating their child 's good qualities .
13 His diet excluded all these items and he claimed that 70 per cent of children improved considerably on this regime .
14 He was also charged with forcing the king to bestow the earldom of March upon him in the Salisbury parliament of 1328 and then leading an armed band against the Earl of Lancaster , with procuring the death of the Earl of Rent , fomenting discord between Edward II and Isabella , and other offences which together amounted to a comprehensive indictment of his rule since 1326 , The earls and barons , ‘ the peers of the realm ’ , were asked to give their judgement on these charges and they declared that they were notorious and manifest to all .
15 The Beveridge Report referred to both of these consequences when it argued that social security benefits should be of subsistence level only , allowing the individual , if he so wished , to make his own provision for higher benefits through voluntary insurance — which should also be positively encouraged by the government through tax allowances .
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