Example sentences of "these [noun pl] [pron] [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In both these cases it was held that the alternative of a manslaughter verdict ought to be left to the jury where the occasion justifies action in self-defence , or to prevent a crime , or to apprehend an offender , but where the defendant acts beyond the necessity of that occasion .
2 For these reasons it is suggested that in tackling the problem , good monitoring arrangements should be coupled with an early involvement of school and parents .
3 To remedy these grievances it was enacted that the Charter of the Forest was to be kept in all its articles , that the perambulations made in the time of Edward I were to be observed , that those perambulations which still remained to be made should be made as quickly as possible , and that the forest boundaries in each county should be confirmed by royal charters , as laid down in the perambulations .
4 Fortunately , modern enclosures are slowly replacing these cages which are cramped and provide nothing for the animal .
5 From these relationships it was established that total leakages ( T + S + M ) must equal total injections ( G + I + X ) .
6 With these problems she 's having and they do n't know what 's wrong with her .
7 For you will learn that none of these things which are admired and sought after are of any good to those who attain them — for when they do get them , the burning heat is just as bad , there is the same tossing about on the sea , the same desire for what they do not have .
8 But in both these situations she is marked as unclean and is segregated , as in both cases she bleeds .
9 Flax mills and handweavers — also useful generally because they helped at the harvest and other farm-intensive moments — came to these villages which were advertised as having little plots of land , enough to sustain a cow , and enough peat to keep a family fireplace burning , and enough life in general to support those married , or intending to marry .
10 In an action to recover these fees it was held that the registrar of the cemetery had no right to demand fees for recutting and repainting but that there being no suggestion that any unpleasant result would follow from non-payment the plaintiff must be taken to have paid voluntarily .
11 In order to meet these requirements it is expected that the programme will include both theoretical and practical components .
12 Based on these findings it is postulated that hyperglycaemia affects gall bladder motility , at least in part , through inhibition of cholinergic activity .
13 But in these papers it is stated that Tyndale headed his written defence , ‘ Faith alone justifies before God ’ , and that among the questions debated were worship of saints , the Sacraments and the authority of the Pope .
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