Example sentences of "these [noun pl] [modal v] [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 I would go further and suggest these meetings should be open to ‘ all-comers ’ and should highlight a topic of local interest to attract potential recruits .
2 These Notes should be available to all Branch Staff who will be involved in handling Marine claims .
3 To learn effectively it is necessary to grasp certain principles and rules , and these rules would be particular to individual academic disciplines .
4 I 'm quite clear that I do not need either an outline or a planning application in order to arrive at my conclusion that the effect of any development on these sites would be deleterious to the historic character of Skelton .
5 The curriculum guide-lines outlined in the 1988 Act offer an entitlement for all children , but the quality of these experiences will be subject to the way schools interpret and act on these four important elements .
6 Some of these visitors will be unaccustomed to country roads and to the hazards of walking along a road with no footpath .
7 The structural style , thermal history , and pressure gradients in these belts can be favourable to generation , trapping , and retention of hydrocarbons ( Gries 1983 ; Angevine and Turcotte 1983 ) .
8 Mark the width of the blind 1.2cm ( ⅜in ) less than the cut roller length with two parallel chalk lines , remembering that these lines must be square to the top and bottom marked edges .
9 He guessed that these effects might be due to intoxication by one of the compounds he was working with , and confirmed his idea by deliberate experiment .
10 These colours may be unfamiliar to those used to working with graphics on a TV screen but they are the painter 's equivalent to red , green and blue as all other colours can be made by mixing them together .
11 Some portion of these costs must be due to the particular sort of culture — surprisingly uniform , across these very different companies — that our sample firms sought to induce : a high participative one .
12 Several of these applications will be relevant to specific sales and market forecasting requirements .
13 Mark usually achieved this by thinking out an arresting beginning , nearly always of the same type , asking his congregation to imagine themselves standing gazing at the Pyramids or the Acropolis or even the New York skyline , hardly realising , until Sophia pointed it out to him , that these sights would be unfamiliar to the majority of his hearers .
14 These problems can be due to poor pot construction , or to the fact that the carbon track on the pot is reacting like an old-style carbon granule microphone , thus making the pot noisy when used .
15 In some cases these changes may be due to the tendency of tracheoles to migrate actively towards areas of high oxygen demand , drawing the tracheae after them ( Wigglesworth , 1954 ; Smart , 1956 ) .
16 These assumptions will be detrimental to the black child if he or she is seen as being rescued from a life of misery .
17 Apart from the fairly standardised buildings housing the animals and the customary crops , some areas of the country also boast more specialised buildings for housing other crops , and these structures may be susceptible to conversion to valued and highly characterful accommodation .
18 However , the conclusions of these writers may be open to certain lines of criticism , and some writers who have addressed the question of nuclear weapons and the laws of war have reached conclusions which are significantly different in important respects .
19 One of the circumstances which drove me to these experiments will be familiar to most home cooks .
20 These packs will be invaluable to both tutors and students alike because they will provide very clear guidance on the level of achievement required by the Board .
21 The increase in laminin concentrations in these patients could be due to increased synthesis by Ito cells .
22 Clearly , to be useful , these features must be common to all languages , since children seem to be able to learn any language with equal facility .
23 The church planter needs to be a strong , visionary leader with a clear sense of call , not necessarily a nurturer or pastor , although these gifts may be present to a lesser degree .
24 The first of these reflexes will be subject to the influence of habituation and will decline as the subject becomes familiar with the stimulus , forms an accurate representation of it , or whatever .
25 These decisions will be subject to a requirement to consult the head and , except for non-teaching posts of less than 16 hours a week , the CEO .
26 These meals should be available to all ’
27 Many of these devices will be subject to legal control , either under statute , such as the UCTA 1977 , or common law rules such as the rule against penalties or the law governing the effectiveness of retention of title clauses .
28 These differences may be due to the relative increase in mitochondrial genomes in the mutant strain ( mtDNA/nuclear DNA 1.5 compared with the wild-type strain ) .
29 These differences might be due to lower doses used insome of the studies , short measurement periods after oral ingestion that might not have been sufficient to reach effective drug concentrations , and the fact that we investigated oesophageal motility on day four of oral drug treatment .
30 These results may be due to chance , but the figures suggest that it is worth trying to do semi-automatic correction .
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