Example sentences of "these [noun] be [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 These skills are further encouraged and developed in a workshop environment .
2 These pairs are alphabetically listed and linked to the name of any author who used them in the title of the article that he wrote .
3 These meetings were well attended and were known as conventicles .
4 Although some of these artists were ostensibly chosen because they ‘ represent and unprecedented artistic engagement with sexuality ’ , I suspect that anyone vaguely aware of the extensive debate led by feminist critics over the last 20 years will find nothing new with these male artists who are still ( and sometimes , literally ) stuck in a rut with their same old penis/penetration/ejaculation ( even if it is into a barrel ) view of sexuality .
5 As regards the patient already dead , the reasoning is that although the patient displays outward manifestations of life , in that , by virtue of the ventilator , breathing and heartbeat are maintained , these manifestations are mechanically induced and are not sustained nor will ever again be sustainable by the patient .
6 These attitudes were soon lifted as peacetime dawned .
7 A ‘ safe ’ interval between these values is then defined and the function goodExpsrRange is called in a REPEAT loop until a satisfactory value is delivered .
8 These checks are only justified if the person is likely to be handling large sums of money or to be exposed to the possibility of bribery .
9 These products are aggressively promoted and marketed .
10 But once some set of rules has been established in this way , we might well think it more important that these rules be publicly regarded as settled , so that people can plan accordingly , than that they be the best rules that could have been found ; this provides a reason why courts should leave the rule untouched even when they think the wrong choice was made in the first instance . "
11 It is not the purpose of this book to provide a history of coinage , however brief , but rather to focus on the methods by which coins are studied , for only when these methods are properly understood and applied can we realise the full potential of coins as an aid to interpreting the past .
12 These formulations are commonly described as descalers or as toilet cleaners the latter being a frequent application .
13 The toxins secreted by the skin are among the most poisonous substances known , and these frogs are so named because the Noamana , Choco and Cuna Indians of Colombia use the poison to tip their arrows and blow-darts .
14 There is a Latin maxim ignorantia juris non excusat , and , although these words are variously translated and variously applied in our law , they are remarkably applicable to someone who chooses to act in a challenging way towards a policeman on the street . ’
15 These parameters are then saved or stored as patches , or presets .
16 These books are well known and thought of , because of their great literary and imaginative content .
17 These questionnaires were much resented and the L.C.C .
18 Cos er the , the people that run these funds are highly paid and highly experienced , and erm you know I do n't think banks or building societies or any other institution is going to pay more , they 're buying in their skills , the top offices .
19 These variables were strongly skewed and seemed log normally distributed , so a log transform was used before calculating their means and deviations .
20 These disputes were once described as ‘ British sociology 's wars of religion ’ , and , while sociology emerged in the late 1970s as a stronger discipline than it had been previously , this was not a period which was very productive in terms of sociology 's public image .
21 These organizations are sometimes described as fringe bodies but more often the acronym ‘ quango ’ is used .
22 In both cases the MMC held that these companies were efficiently run and had contributed to substantial cost savings , the Schumpeterian view of monopoly to which we referred in Chapter 9 and illustrated in Figure 17–2 .
23 Time and again a landowner , the man who actually has the most to lose since it is his land , is willing to donate corners of his fields for ponds or tree planting , as his contribution to the environmental compromise of a land-drainage scheme ; but then a letter from his agent arrives , demanding that these corners be heavily compensated or even bought by the water authority , as payment for the concessions made .
24 Accordingly these areas are heavily used and subject to severe environment erosion .
25 ACET is a church-based organisation whose primary concern is practical care rather than counselling , and so these areas are only covered if they are raised by our clients .
26 As part of the normal processes of a river , the stones in these shoals are neatly sorted and graded by the flowing water into an overlapping fish-scale pattern known as ‘ armouring ’ , which makes them relatively stable .
27 The only compensation for the adult male is that these feats are generally lost when the orgasm is accompanied with ejaculation of semen .
28 Unfortunately however , these functions are poorly documented and it takes quite some time to discover how to use them .
29 Party groupings along these lines were indeed formed and fought a general election in 1978 .
30 By and large , these criticisms were widely accepted and so efforts were directed to making this channel one which would allow for diversity , for new ideas and for experimentation .
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