Example sentences of "also [be] [vb pp] [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It could also be questioned whether a system of specialised representatives is desirable in that it may not produce a group of people willing to take an overall view of the question .
2 The principle that no man can be a judge in his own cause may also be infringed if a person has so actively identified himself with the temperance cause , by his actions in campaigning against the granting of certificates , that it would be contrary to elementary justice that he should act as a member of a licensing board .
3 A regulatory penalty can also be imposed where an ESL is late , and that is based on the number of days late .
4 It should also be noted that a covenant limiting hours of access may not limit hours of use of the demised property , provided that the tenant arrives before permitted hours cease and leaves after they recommence .
5 A contacts database can also be created and a contact record can be linked to a calendar entry .
6 Scuba diving is a very complex sport and you are required to learn many aspects of the sport all of which are vital for example , pressure equalization , maintenance of equipment , assembling the equipment , nitrogen narcosis , decompression sickness and use of dive tables misunderstandig or neglecting any of these can result in very serious injuries or paralysis or even death you also learn practical skills like mask clearing to a timed diver low compass navigation must also be mastered and a theory and practical tests are undertaken to show you are competent at scuba diving .
7 Similar problems may also be experienced when an accounting reference period is changed , since s 225(6) of the CA1985 provides that : ‘ An accounting reference period may not in any case ( exception if administration order is in force ) be extended so as to exceed 18 months and a notice under this section is ineffective if the current or previous accounting reference period as extended in accordance with the notice would exceed that limit . ’
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