Example sentences of "also [vb infin] [vb pp] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In each case the Commission may have rejected the complaint and may also have granted an exemption to the company in respect of the conduct of which complaint has been made .
2 Significantly fewer patients in rural areas were receiving insulin , which may also have influenced the development of advanced retinopathy , even though insulin treatment does not necessarily reflect better diabetic control .
3 Secondly , the fiction/concession theory could have supplied an image of the company as separate and distinct from its shareholders which would also have supported the institution of limited liability , but there were strong reasons for preferring the natural-entity model of the company .
4 Pentecost did not only mean the offering of the firstfruits to God ( and what remarkable firstfruits of the Spirit were offered to the Lord that day as three thousand people believed , were baptised , and joined the company of the disciples praising God in the temple ) : first-century Jews would also have recalled the giving of the law on Mount Sinai ( see Jubilees 1:1 , 6:17 ) .
5 Left : Most wide waterway craft were built with a more spacious cabin and many boatmen lived on board although they may also have kept a house on shore .
6 He may also have kept the stewardship of Tottington and Rochdale , in spite of Edward 's orders to the contrary .
7 He may also have kept the stewardship of Tottington and Rochdale , in spite of Edward 's orders to the contrary .
8 But the majority of service providers will also have appointed a group of dealers to sell and install equipment on their behalf .
9 In both schools the conversion of depressed and under-utilised premises into business-like , welcoming and tasteful accommodation not only gave visible recognition to the library but must also have increased the attraction of the library and thus encouraged the utilisation of the materials purchased under the project .
10 ( In Britain this development may also have accelerated the adoption by firms of multi-divisional forms of organisation , partly as a management control device to raise the level of effective decision-making away from the shopfloor . )
11 Lawrence also makes it clear that it is no less irrelevant that what happened may also have constituted the offence of obtaining property by deception under section 15(1) of the Act .
12 At some time he may also have sent an expedition against Normandy which was defeated , and his Helmet coin type , perhaps current from 1003 to 1009 , depicts him in armour ; according to the surviving verse on him by the Icelandic poet Gunnlaug Serpent 's Tongue , the army feared Æthel-red no less than God , and N.P. Brooks has shown that he increased the military burdens on his people by requiring more of his soldiers to wear helmets and byrnies .
13 Not only would this have amounted to abandonment of a well-established principle ( not a thing welcome to lawyers ) , but it would also have threatened the stability of contracts of sale .
14 Although some kink in the confluence of timing and temperament may have robbed Wallace of his posthumous fame , it may also have robbed the rest of us , through this century of science , of a broader view of the hidden forces of life .
15 The shank was inserted into a circular socket on the handle for rigidity , and this would also have allowed the handle to be reused if such proved necessary .
16 Visiting the West End galleries as he did , Minton would also have remarked the interest among certain British artists in tachisme , a French abstract style on which attention focused at an exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Art , where tachiste painters were shown alongside the work of the American Abstract Expressionists , Jackson Pollock and Sam Francis .
17 The Claimant must also have notified the airline in question of a potential claim in writing within 3 days and keep a copy of this letter .
18 The Claimant should also have advised the Corporation of the loss/damage/ illness/injury etc. , as soon as reasonably possible .
19 We would also have reduced the asset for goods in stock by £400 and charged this amount to the profit and loss account as an expense for the period .
20 Some will also have provided a range of facilities for those officials and private individuals travelling along the highways , which would have been an important element in those small towns which housed a mansio or , to a lesser extent , a mutatio , though there is surprisingly little evidence to demonstrate this .
21 These latter would also have had a role as pasture , particularly for pigs or for cattle and horses in more open areas of woodland .
22 You should also have set an example for this beforehand , by sometimes making yourself scarce when your parent 's friends come , without being in any way unsociable or unwilling to prepare food and drink for them .
23 ( Norman ) French influence may also have introduced the fabliau to medieval Welsh literature .
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