Example sentences of "these can not be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It will need to consider all available options and must have a clear idea of the applicant 's future plans and why these can not be achieved without a care or supervision order .
2 However , there are marked variations in biomass of Colohus spp. in Africa and Presbytis spp. in Asia in different forests and these can not be explained in terms of the overall degree of herbivory of an individual species or its body size , both of which are known to be correlated with biomass in primates as a whole .
3 Whatever properties are delineated as especially appropriate to material artefacts in general , these can not be regarded as necessary attributes of an individual artefact when considered in any particular social context .
4 These can not be adjusted during a competition .
5 The flowers of these can not be fertilised with their own pollen and are known as self-incompatible or self-sterile , whereas self-fertile ( self-compatible ) varieties set fruit without needing pollen from another tree .
6 All new Carita balls have rubber valves ( also available from the Office ) these can not be interchanged with the brass ones .
7 Common sense tells us that this requires some form of trading activity , and although this will cover such things as the purchase of raw materials , capital equipment , etc. , it should be noted that if such actions were merely preparatory to the later formation of a company then these can not be considered as the actions of a partnership ‘ carrying on a business ’ .
8 These can not be known at the time the decision is to be made and a means of stating what is known and what is assessed of the influence of future events on the commercial performance of the product , permitting comparisons between options , is needed .
9 These can not be known at the time the decision is to be made and a means of stating what is known and what is assessed of the influence of future events on the commercial performance of the product , permitting comparisons between options , is needed .
10 As Box reminds us , and as we discussed in Chapter Five , the arrest rate is higher for young blacks ( Stevens and Willis 1979 ) and these can not be accounted for entirely by differences in criminal activity .
11 From time to time various other forms of undercutting have been attributed to wind but the possible effects of other agencies , such as wetting and drying near the surface and salt weathering must not be forgotten , though they are doubtful as explanations of abraded wooden telegraph poles and even these can not be attributed to gnawing by desert rats .
12 These can not be eliminated without putting something in its place .
13 But gifts such as these can not be awarded to everybody , either by judges or by the most benign of governments .
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