Example sentences of "just [vb past] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It just seemed to fit in with the story and the early part of your visit about somebody getting killed . ’
2 Now , the day had grown dark but I was a burly rogue , carrying sword and dagger , yet my assailants just seemed to step out of the shadows .
3 So it should be assumed that a similar number of those who changed in the ‘ right ’ direction were similarly ill-informed about their new choice , and just happened to end up in the ‘ right ’ group by chance .
4 Just a quick post-script to my last message about tickets for the Sheff Wed game — I just managed to get through to the ticket office , and they said that all postal applications were sent back yesterday with a letter telling you that it 's been postponed , and to re-apply if you still want tickets .
5 We go up the hill on the toboggans and you 're meant to use your brakes and one of us did , and we just went flying off into the raging snow .
6 So he just had to put up with the noise .
7 But I felt guilty about her being in a Home … she just had to go in in the end — and I know it 's the best place , it 's safe and she has company all the time … ’
8 He just had to turn up on the day .
9 So we just had to pop down to the Castle in Chiddingstone for a pint or two .
10 She just had to hold on to the thought that , although he believed he knew who , he did n't know where .
11 I just had to sign on at the police station once a week — no surety , unopposed bail , no problem at all .
12 She just wanted to sink back into the dream and give in to the lovely floating sensation .
13 I did n't twig at the time but really she just wanted to hang out in the shop and she was coming up with any old excuse she could find to be in there .
14 She just wanted to dash out of the house and let the rain cool some of the thoughts flying around in her mind .
15 She just wanted to collapse on to the bed she had spotted in the corner and sleep for about a week .
16 But I 'd had a bellyful of your family and I just wanted to stay out of the whole rotten business .
17 When that final whistle went I just wanted to throw up in the sponge bag .
18 This is not Norma 's fault , she 's probably quite a nice dear who never wanted the fame , never wanted a prime minister for a husband , just wanted to get on with the washing up back in Huntingdon .
19 ‘ They just wanted to get away from the car . ’
20 ‘ What would happen if anyone just wanted to get out of the partnership — I mean , without a death being involved ? ’
21 ‘ It 's easy now to say he was hasty , yet at the time he just wanted to get out of the place because he was so ill .
22 Terry did n't want any truck with service medicos , he just wanted to get back to the States and see Madeleine , Sulome and Gabrielle .
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