Example sentences of "just [prep] a [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Just just for a couple of weekends to see how many actual calls we do get .
2 What I 'd like you to do now is er , just for a couple of minutes , informally with the people sitting next to you , see if you can list as many channels as you can under those second two headings , okay ?
3 we 've both got a week off , and we thought we 'd all can go just for a couple of days
4 Just for a couple of nights in Dieppe : though I sometimes take the car and get down to Rouen .
5 ‘ All the same , ’ he said , when the spring buds burst on the seven trees that grew in Mafeking Street , along which Wendy had once half-run , half-walked , on her way to give birth to Apricot , ‘ it would be nice to be somewhere different , just for a time , just for a couple of weeks . ’
6 It would do her psyche good to get away from here , even just for a couple of weeks .
7 Perhaps just for a while to tide you over a particularly bad crop of bills .
8 And if you 're building a long flight , it can always be broken up with separate landings , either where the flight changes direction , or just for a change of pace .
9 just for a bit of revision .
10 Just for a bit of fun .
11 I think we can go back just for a final to White Hart Lane , and join up with Nick Harris — got his breath back now Nick , I think a tremendous afternoon though for you .
12 ‘ The hospital is for patients , not just for a load of hangers-on . ’
13 Just as a heap of sand is composed of individual grains , so electromagnetic radiation has a bitty structure ; one never finds fractions of fry but only one , or a thousand , or a million , of these granules of energy .
14 He saw that just as a knowledge of atoms and molecules is essential for the progress of chemistry , it is also essential for chemistry student .
15 Benstede and Corbett then sat at the edge of a table directly beneath the great dais just as a chorus of trumpets brayed .
16 Emily might be able to persuade the supplier to call the debt in , just as a favour of course , then Hari would need money at once , she would have no choice but to throw in her lot with Emily .
17 And the miserable hotchpotch of confused ideas and pressures was quietly buried in the depths of her mind , just as a wilderness of plants dies down and goes underground for the winter .
18 This optimism would be undermined by the Dust-Bowl of the 1930s , which showed that the destruction of the soil made possible by farming would have a permanent effect on the land , just as a follower of Warming 's more materialistic approach might have predicted .
19 A species , as a succession of organisms produced sexually , might have only a limited total lifetime , Darwin argued ; just as a succession of apple trees propagated by grafts was supposed to last only so long before degenerating and dying as if it were merely the extension of a single limited life .
20 After starting in the pillbox , they moved out into the rain on the grounds that they were Irish , and came wonderfully just as a shaft of sun broke through and warmed them , too poetical , too symbolic , too fucking marvellous for words , crooned Jessica .
21 Though circumstances are so changed it is relevant to remember that in their heyday syllabubs were regarded as refreshments to be offered at card parties , ball suppers and at public entertainments , rather than just as a pudding for lunches and dinners , although they did quite often figure as part of the dessert in the days when a choice of sweetmeats , fruits , jellies , confectionery and creams was set out in a formal symmetrical array in the centre of the table .
22 Now , ’ Thiercelin took out notebook and pencil , ‘ just as a matter of routine , might I ask you to relate once again the circumstances of Herr Hamnett 's business with you ? ’
23 But , if so , it will be just as a matter of fact .
24 We welcome people from every party , it does n't really matter which party , or even if they belong to no party , who are just committed to seeing a representative representation , seeing more women in there , because women in this country , just as a matter of fact , have a rather different experience from most men , and if you 're making a decision then you want there the people who have had a wide range of experience , who can bring that experience to bear on making the decision .
25 He would probably slip in at the last minute , just as a matter of duty .
26 Now , just as a matter of interest , whilst I remember , how are we off for manuscript paper ?
27 Just as a matter of interest , what were you doing on Sunday ? ’
28 Just as a matter of interest , would you have believed me if I 'd said that I 'd bumped into an old acquaintance near the museum ? ’
29 For a few moments they moved in silence , then he said , ‘ Just as a matter of interest , why did you come to this party ? ’
30 Could I ask Mr Chairman , just as a matter of interest , it 's first community care as much as I , , really , erm , what , what if any , erm , alteration will there be to the volunt to volunteers that continue at the moment , will
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