Example sentences of "just [verb] [adj] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But he never says a word , just looks miserable because he does n't like me saying ‘ 'fuck' ’ . '
2 No , it just look different when you took them off
3 The original had , although it was a very broad face , actually had very finely tuned serifs , and that was , they just got crude when you pulled .
4 In fact , why do n't you just keep quiet before I lose my patience ?
5 He 's not listening , he 's just getting impatient while he waits .
6 Driver Palmer is , of course , totally right , but he just seems blank when I ask him to answer my ultimate query abut America and rock .
7 If we 're to win Fairclough must mark flash well and Newsome and possibly Pemberton play out of their skins — Battyburn do n't just have flash although it does appear that way at times .
8 He just felt pleased when he thought about the kudos of pulling someone half his age or less .
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