Example sentences of "your [noun sg] [conj] i have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm not questioning your judgement but I have to ask whether in view of what followed you have had any doubts ? ’
2 ‘ Mrs Passmore , I do n't want to add to your distress but I have to ask you whether , in your opinion , it is likely that Mr Riddle had relations with other women or with one other woman ? ’
3 " You 've had time to think over what your aunt and me have said .
4 Your father and I have talked to Lewis and he 's said they are n't going to actually rush into anything , but they just feel so … right together that it 's … just come up , you know ?
5 ‘ I suppose you think that your father and I have scrimped and saved to give you children a good education so that you can waste your time and money at the pictures , ’ said Mrs Mallory , pressing down fiercely on a handkerchief .
6 ‘ Master Parry , I have so much confidence in the good offices of your daughter that I have brought with me the letter of which I spoke to her .
7 Your master and I have finished now . ’
8 ‘ But Angel , your mother and I have saved and saved to send you to university like your brothers .
9 He took an unconcerned mouthful of his whisky and rolled it in his mouth as he smiled and told her , ‘ Alas , you see , your brother and I have crossed swords again . ’
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