Example sentences of "your [noun] [coord] [pers pn] [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 you sit here , you sit still for a minute and eat , eat your sandwich and I 'll just put Joseph in the car oh what
2 Despite his airforce fatigues ( he has a pilot 's licence ) and handlebar moustache ( he is a cult on the military base circuit ) his feet never leave the ground : but close your eyes and you 'd never know it .
3 I do n't expect Scott and Emma will come in your car but I would just go with you if that 's okay .
4 Close friends and family — those who really care about you — will be happy to comply but you must remember to tell them that you would like them to indicate what they think are your weaknesses as well as your strengths or they will simply say nice things about you .
5 ‘ Come on in , quickly , that 's right ; cover your shoulders and you 'll soon feel warm . ’
6 You will go through our comic , existential garden with your shears and you will never water the lupins .
7 Smarten up your act or we might just stop buying British , as the Europeans take over our high streets offering us fashions with a much better image , manufactured to a much higher standard .
8 This is your mess and you can damn well clear it up ! ’
9 Give it a proper share of your attention and it will certainly repay you .
10 Step aboard in all your finery and you 'll barely need to incline your head , let alone disturb a vicuna pleat or crush the crinoline .
11 I 'll be your friend but I 'll never be your lover .
12 Your stamina will dictate your endurance and you will soon be able to measure your improved fitness by seeing how much further you can swim .
13 The one that I tend to use most of the time is this one not least , because it only three pounds , and it 's quite affordable but a , again , it 's got a loud sound to it , and I found that if you carry one of these with you and somebody does approach you , you 've always got this in your pocket and you can actually aim it them , cos they do n't know what you 've got in your hand .
14 Your father and I would still be in Akmeyon if it was n't for your zeide .
15 The Program Manager will organise your programs and it may also be used to organise graphics and document files linked to program files .
16 You see , when you are working in plan like this it is difficult to bear in mind that machine table heights can work in your favour and they can also work against you .
17 This i this will be your This will be your address and you 'll officially be married from this address .
18 if you have n't if you 're just trying to remember every word there is in the dictionary you 'd be there all your life and you 'd still never remember them all .
19 Now , I 'll have to talk to your mums but it may well be that I sha n't be here in a fortnight 's time so we may
20 It will not be so easy to reply instantaneously , so why not number the ten on your list and you can then respond with the number :
21 They can help you with your training needs your child care and your travel and they can also provide the support you need if you 're not confident about going back to learning .
22 I hate to interrupt your holiday but it would really be most helpful if you could . ’
23 It is not the same when you do not have to whisper to your companions and you can only dream of the carp as tiny dots sixty yards or more away .
24 If you decide not to I 'll walk straight out of your office and you 'll never see me again .
25 If you take photographs as a hobby , you are likely to have produced at least one quality snap in your time and it might just be that a magazine would find it useful .
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