Example sentences of "me [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 And I could n't bear to be with women I did like because it reminded me forcibly that they did n't turn me on . ’
2 ‘ Not necessarily , ’ she demurred , ‘ but she was kind , and I thought I would like to buy her a wedding present — and because you kindly took me in when you did n't want to , ’ she tacked on softly .
3 He 'ad a knife and said he 'd do me in if I did n't tell him why we steamed the letter open .
4 And the letter is tells me basically that they 've not been able to find out what the cause of the explosion was , and that there has n't been any further explosion since .
5 ‘ They have offered me no protection and told me bluntly if I do n't like the job I can quit . ’
6 I thought he 'd send me home but he did n't .
7 We snatched opportunities when we could , when my children were staying with friends or even , once , and extra dangerously , when they were asleep ( though the fear that one of them might wake put me off so I did n't try that again ) .
8 I 'm not doing as much homework but bloody hard at school which Roland wo n't appreciate , which really pisses me off cos I do n't
9 you can leave it and get your mum to tell me later that you do n't want any more .
10 Like , Friday night all the boys came up and then they picked me up and we did n't come back .
11 But call me up if you do n't have enough .
12 I was expecting the lads soon , anyway , as they were coming to pick me up if I had not arrived by lunch-time and it was noon already .
13 In fact I 'm playing Xerium , of all things , and blow me down , blow me up if I have n't just found out how to get over the Mountains of Zound at long , long last .
14 ‘ You never told me before that you did n't like my company , Catherine ! ’ cried Heathcliff .
15 It 's happened to me before and I did n't .
16 The lads would stay put and do their washing , though one of them would drive into town at lunch-time and bring me back if I had not already managed to get a lift back myself .
17 ‘ My ole lady threatened ter chuck me out if I did n't look fer a job , ’ he said suddenly .
18 That 'll be better for me really if you do n't mind .
19 Are you telling me now that you do n't ? ’
20 I mean you 're going with me now if I do n't make the grade at the interview
21 He is prepared to come to Britain and live with me here but I do not know if he will be allowed .
22 He does n't answer because his press officer has told me beforehand that he does n't intend to talk in any detail about it .
23 He tries to protect me even when I do n't need it . ’
24 But it was absolutely clear to me then that I had n't the political antennae , the political flair .
25 In fact , I remember when I first introduced him to my father and before he 'd said a word , I said , ‘ This is my father ’ who told me afterwards that he had n't realized that it was a boy because I mean … long hair — his hair was really long .
26 ‘ I work in sales and am sure none of my clients would take me seriously if I did n't turn up in a sharp suit .
27 As James Gilbey , a member of the distilling dynasty who has known Diana since she was 17 , noted : ‘ She said to me recently that she had n't made any date in her diary past July because she does n't think she is going to be there . ’
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