Example sentences of "other [noun pl] have [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is natural for mathematicians to be the first to study problem solving but it surprises me that other disciplines have been so slow .
2 But it is ironic that a generation that is so impatient with the cultural adaptations of other generations has been so adept at setting up its own .
3 However other reactions have been less positive .
4 Other authors have been more coy : " I have left the central concept of this paper , namely pragmatic context , in rather thorough vagueness , and this for the simple reason that I see no clear way to reduce the vagueness at the moment " ( Bar-Hillel , 1970:80 ) .
5 Premium rises had been achieved in some areas , but other sectors had been very competitive .
6 The question thus becomes one of why other countries have been more successful than Great Britain in meeting these requirements .
7 Other countries have been more enterprising .
8 The action has played a strong part in industrial safety but attempts to introduce it into other areas have been less successful .
9 Greenpeace , the World Wildlife Fund , the Cousteau Foundation and other organisations have been very successful in mobilising public opinion in favour of designating Antarctica a ‘ World Park ’ , outlawing commercial exploitation of mineral resources , and limiting scientific research and tourism to better protect the region 's flora and fauna .
10 But the other changes have been both radical and far-sighted .
11 Other Hamlets have been as wrong-headed : Laurence Olivier 's of 1948 , perhaps , which charted ‘ the tragedy of a man who could not make up his mind ’ , or Grigori Konzintsev 's Marxist version of 1964 .
12 ‘ As it happens the Zantac did contain some ranitidine [ the active substance ] but other counterfeits have been completely inert , ’ Mr Peter Lumley , association spokesman , said yesterday .
13 While finance is central to the new policies , other measures have been hugely successful .
14 Tyacke 's critics are right to point out that he and other historians have been too preoccupied with the theological disputes within the academic communities of pre-civil war England .
15 Other commentators have been quite frank about their desire to see the Germans run the show .
16 That is why NUPE and the other unions have been so unwilling to negotiate sensibly on this aspect of the dispute .
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