Example sentences of "did [adv] [adv] [vb infin] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is clear that a reduction or increase in funding did not automatically lead to similar changes in each of the schools .
2 Nevertheless , rubber studs did not immediately come into general use because the process of changing them ruined the soles of the boots .
3 Even the Diet did not immediately call for offensive action against Russia , but it decided to do so when the tsar refused to negotiate on the basis of anything less than abject Polish submission .
4 All that now remained was to get the next couple of weeks over — have the party , get Karl away , see Erika settled , get the business of the accident cleared up and then , although he did not normally think in melodramatic terms — then the future !
5 In this he was mistaken , since state control over industry was considerably reduced once the war was over , even if it did not wholly return to pre-war conditions .
6 Gravenor Henson , the leader of the Framework Knitters ' Union , they argue , did not even approve of Luddite actions .
7 However , as in Burma , the demobilised soldiers did not just return to civilian life : they formed a quasi-military organisation similar to the PVO , though on an ever larger scale , the People 's Security Organisation , Badan Keamanan Raykat ( BKR ) .
8 This factor of material prosperity , which was already cited by Sombart ( 1906 ) at the beginning of this century as a partial explanation of the absence of any large-scale socialist movement in the US , acquired particularly great importance in the period following the Second World War , when economic growth took place more rapidly than ever before , and the question could be posed as to whether the US did not simply show to capitalist Europe the image of its own future — a future that would be characterized by a decline of the socialist movement , and indeed of all ideological revolutionary parties and movements .
9 And more trained managers did not directly result in operational changes in business organisation .
10 However , Sophian and Huber ( 1984 ) found that when the causal task involved a larger number of conflicting cues , three-year-olds did not consistently rely on temporal priority cues , whereas five-year-olds did .
11 Partially defective wrap , however , did not inevitably lead to abnormal reflux in our patients .
12 ‘ The ambiguous reference to contributions Olivetti paid to ASST ( one of the state-owned telephone companies ) has been clarified , confirming that Olivetti did not ever work with ASST , but paid Mr Giuseppe Lo Moro , who acted as collector for the political parties for equipping the Post .
13 It is characteristic of the Government that although the Minister spoke for one quarter of an hour , he did not once refer to new clause 2 or defend the Government 's record .
14 The second is that the British colonial rulers did not genuinely believe in independent , publicly owned public service broadcasting because when in government they made sure that they had full control and tolerated the idea of a corporation only when their rule was coming to an end .
15 THERE was an article in The Times the other day which said that good spelling did not necessarily make for good writing .
16 It is argued that this difference may be partially accounted for by the higher standard of living in Sri Lanka , but also that the motives and social composition of offenders in normal times were such that depressed economic conditions did not necessarily lead to substantial increases in criminal activities .
17 Even when one can see a similar history of decline or recovery , this did not necessarily occur in different towns at the same time ( 71 ) .
18 American women , they learned , did not much care for murky colours but wanted bright yellows and apple greens , vibrant colours which were hardly used at all in Europe .
19 Similarly , the Labour government 's policies on the reduction of the number of private pay beds did not always lead to enthusiastic implementation in the late 1970s .
20 To be sure , the latter did not always approve of royal actions , for even the most pious rulers occasionally transgressed .
21 And as , as we said before , erm , many of the , erm people who lived in the poorer parts of erm the country , whether in urban or rural En erm England did n't really know about basic nutrition and and health I mean you just ate what was available but you did n't know why and so the government started this campaign to introduce you know knowledge about diet and how important it was .
22 Before 1987 legislation governing pollution control did n't fully apply to tidal waters , and discharges into the sea and many older discharges to estuaries did n't require consent at all except for substances like mercury .
23 Humans did n't often tread on other humans .
24 We did n't actually call on Old Sidney — according to my mage that would n't be ‘ politic ’ .
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