Example sentences of "did [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They did eventually go out of the house but he was about done and then he comes in five to seven .
2 Such an objective would be ill-founded if the process of integration did not aim also at the Community 's complete monetary integration which can only be achieved through the establishment of a European currency union .
3 If the second measurement did not tally exactly with the first , it meant that there was something wrong with the patient 's stomach .
4 Blatchford did not reckon much to the artistic qualities of the old-fashioned melodrama presented on the stage , but he thought the audience ‘ were human enough for anything ’ .
5 Orkney Islands Council did not give up without a fight .
6 Taxi boss Dave Blyth said Derek did not give in without a fight .
7 He drew her to him , so that her head was near his waist , in a stiff sort of way because she did not give in to the embrace .
8 ‘ It is to Foinavon 's eternal credit that he did not refuse either at the melee when he had every excuse to or when he was out on his own especially when he was tiring , ’ Buckingham said .
9 He was able to achieve this amount of leisure because he did not intervene much in the work of the Departments .
10 However , these grumbles , and the piecemeal reforms and constitutional pseudo-changes which they inspired , did not spill over into a generalised sense of unease about the essence of the liberal-democratic constitution itself .
11 Certainly Mr Lamont did not perform well at the hustings ; arguably his Budget last month did not in retrospect maximise the opportunities , limited though they were .
12 Our prices did not go up at the same rate .
13 We did not go up in the same lift , but were taken to another one , apparently for the use of directors only .
14 Their cheer did not go far in the brittle morning air but it pleased her .
15 So they did not go anywhere near the doctor .
16 But Doherty , 22 , of Dublin , did not go down without a fight and doggedly pursued Hendry all afternoon .
17 And again , if he wanted to alter a painting later after its completion , if he did not go back to the first idea and atmosphere of conception , he could never make the alteration a success .
18 For many weeks Kee did not go back to the graveyard .
19 But she did not go back to the kitchen .
20 So the budget fixed for the current year was £20 million and the £7 million underspent in the first two years of the scheme did not go back to the Treasury — it was not lost to computerisation — but was committed to the further development of GP computerisation .
21 Greatly daring , as Non-conformists even in the war years did not go lightly into an Anglican Church , I went in and sat down .
22 In the evenings , if the Eliots did not go out to the cinema or theatre together , they would often listen to the gramophone — he had an especial affection for the music of Bartok , although sometimes he would play the songs of Edward Lear .
23 Officers did not go out of the camp to work and they had no contact with women .
24 Older members of a family did not go out of the house in search of music but to get away from it .
25 This time , Wilson did not go out in the street to wave goodbye nor did she weep .
26 The Lords of Trade asked merchants and other interests to give their opinions about policy ; a number of ministers had grants of their own for settlements in North America and clearly expected to benefit as landlords , though they did not go out like the Penns and the Baltimores to take an active role in running their properties .
27 Even when I arrived back at Thornfield , I did not go in for a while .
28 We know nothing of his campaign , except that it was limited to a single season and that the Silures did not appear again as a fighting force .
29 ‘ I should be sorry for him if he did not land more in the thorns than in the flowers — that 's all . ’
30 A two-run defeat seemed set fair to demoralize England , but their batsmen did not do badly in the second game at Sydney .
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