Example sentences of "well [conj] the [noun sg] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Each of them knows perfectly well that the strength of her position in the home lies in the physical dependence of her husband and children upon her and she is suspicious of anything that would tend to undermine this .
2 In the end you have to become part of the establishment , Gareth , but never let them remove or circumscribe your right of free speech ; you use it too well and the rest of us can not do without it .
3 Now in nineteen er nineteen fifteen , the the of course the War 'd started and I can remember this so well because the day after me birthday er there was a raid , a Zeppelin raid on and I saw this Zeppelin and that day the thirty first of January nineteen fifteen when this raid was , I wen I went to work at six in the morning and I finished work at quarter to nine at night .
4 so from Audrey Wise but it was an act of parliament which had the support the Labour Party as well because the purpose of it is is to help wives to help mothers
5 The parties accepted that the court was entitled to decide matters of construction because , as well as the clause in their agreement providing for expert determination , there was also a clause which said that the agreement was to be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England and that the parties submitted to the jurisdiction of the High Court .
6 If that is the case , then it is possible that he also thought that the synagogue ritual , as well as the direction of their commercial life and benefactions should have been handled differently .
7 The late Frank Howes showed an understanding of the problems racing a choreographer when he wrote : ‘ Every dance has its own rhythm , just as every dancer has an inborn sense of measuring time because each movement must be felt to flow through the whole body as well as the space in which it moves .
8 The quarterly or annual ROI calculation presents an unambiguous case and a very strong influence on local managerial behaviour because it is the main — and often only — form of control of it available , as well as the measure of its success .
9 ‘ Should the thief read this and comprehend the distress he has caused as well as the futility of his action , if he organises the return of our parts , perhaps through a third party , then we will take no further action . ’
10 And indeed , it is surely the case that menstruation is a profound event , the other side of ovulation , the balance to fertility as well as the mark of it .
11 The heart can be joyful or sorrowful , proud or humble , as well as the home of our desires .
12 Languages vary tremendously in the type of conjunctions they prefer to use as well as the frequency with which they use such items .
13 As well as the rest of them — and he had more to write about than most .
14 Trevor Simpson came in later and Lyn 's uncle Bob as well as the rest of them .
15 We are now 7 degrees within the tropics and if the trade winds in which we got off Madeira continue we may expect to cross the equator in a week or ten days , about which time our Captn. informs us that we may expect to fall in with some homeward bound vessels which will enable me as well as the rest of our passengers to forward letters to our friends … bad weather had the effect of making us all good sailors and now we are enjoying fine weather and a fair wind .
16 Whether we are a ‘ lark ’ or an ‘ owl ’ can depend upon the properties of our individual body clock as well as the timing of our life-style .
17 An illustration is given of another important policy issue which has many political and economic similarities as well as the history of its thinking and policy formulation .
18 It is perhaps instructive to look in some detail at one accident report to see if the question as to why it happened was answered as well as the question of what happened .
19 Prospective students , anxious for sun and romance as well as the release of their creative genius , should gird themselves by reading Swallow , Thomas 's novel about an Olympiad of storytellers which involves hours and hours of improvising in prose and verse .
20 And when the Cabinet Minister admitted he had no ticket , he had to cough up the fare as well as the fine under his Government 's 1989 Act which orders passengers to pay before they travel .
21 As well as the opportunity for his own outside activities , your husband may also need an ‘ escape hatch ’ — a study , a greenhouse or workshop , or at least time alone , so that he , too , can potter about and recharge the batteries .
22 Toil , weather , human character and the quirks of animals are all graphically rendered , as well as the way in which newly-lifted potatoes glow ‘ like children 's shoulders after a day in the sun ’ , or in which the voice of a once-active young man now crippled by an accident becomes ‘ far-away , like a priest 's voice at the altar ’ .
23 I hope that the second inquiry , of which Mr. Norman Warner will be the chairman , will look closely at the role , quality , education and training of social workers as well as the way in which they are selected .
24 In making HIP allocations , will he take those matters into account as well as the efficiency with which those authorities use their stock and their willingness to co-operate with the private sector ?
25 he 's also got hairy legs , as well as the lump in his pants
26 Seven surviving canoes struggled on towards the sloop , a place of safety now , as well as the target at which they aimed ; they reached the port quarter of the Rebecca , and sought to shin halfway up her walls , hoping to be concealed by the overhang of the gunwales .
27 If he drew a positive result from his questions , he would have something else to tell the policeman , as well as the manner in which he believed the victims had been killed .
28 After you had slain the lady , you took one of her cloaks as well as the ring from her finger .
29 Because of his fame , his history and his continued presence in the sport , as well as the strength of his personality , Emerson remained a figure ; but also the shadows lengthened about him and few who worked with him in those years have much good to say about their relationships with him or with his team .
30 But Gen Noriega 's capacity to inspire personal loyalty , as well as the power of his purse , is well known to US Intelligence .
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