Example sentences of "now be [verb] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All RBGE workstations have now been assessed under this Directive .
2 It 's now been replaced with this memo , saying the first was poorly worded and stressing that MRI scans at the Nuffield will be carried out according to on a purely medcial decisionmedical need .
3 The irony is even though the travellers have now been evicted from this field in Enstone … it will stay unused … the landowers are being paid to keep it that way as part of the Ministry of Agriculture 's Set Aside policy
4 Affidavit evidence from the appellants , which ought to have been before the judge , has now been put before this court and an application has been made for leave to adduce this as additional evidence on the hearing of the appeal .
5 As a good case has been made recently ( Mosaic 4 ( 1981 ) , 6 ) against the authenticity of the Dyer Street Orpheus mosaic ( Beecham 1886 , f.p. 226 ) , only four Orpheus mosaics can now be credited to this region : the Woodchester mosaic ( pI .
6 I have also enclosed an article to add to the considerable amount of reference material you should now be holding on this subject .
7 Juniper Park Road will now be included in this district .
8 Computers are now being brought into this profession to perform repetitive tasks .
9 It is , I am told , German settlers in County Wexford who are responsible for the Irish Brie called St Edi now being peddled in this country ; the assault of its ammoniac smell brought back to me with terrible force a twenty-two-year-old memory of the Camembert of war-time Egypt which , I now realize , could have been none other than the handiwork of a German fifth column active in Alexandria . )
10 Now , what I was gon na do now was go through this quoick transformation right , you 're not gon na be asked t to produce it in an exam or anything like that , but the reason why I 'm doing it now is that you will need it for your er , your Q M exam not er your exam , your project right , cos there is a similar applicat , it 's quite a commonly used tool you 'll find er , where wherever we have a , erm , an expression with an infinite number of erm possibilities or an in infinite number of arguments .
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