Example sentences of "well [pers pn] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Well I 've just come out of the debate which has just finished on the Palestine and Israel situation and er we passed the voting paper which will become policy for the party , calling for er a non-violent solution recognising the P L O and urging the U N to facilitate negotiations between Israeli government and the P L O.
2 Oh Well we 've just come back from America we 've been in America for three years .
3 Well they 've just come out of the chip pan
4 Oh well they 've obviously swapped round .
5 How well it had all worked out !
6 Well it 's just come up on my screen it says , He 's in the roller .
7 Well it 's just brought out a budget to paper over a few cracks and make it look good because they knew that , they 've got no more chances this is it in n it ?
8 Well he 's just locked up the car ooh
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