Example sentences of "number [prep] [adj] [noun] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the past we have held a number of fund-raising events in the area .
2 A number of respectable gentlemen in the town and neighbourhood of Manchester , being desirous that this plan shall include the whole of the township of Manchester and Salford , and as much of the adjoining townships , as will fall within that square , which will be formed from the extensions of the said two townships , Mr. Green hopes that this will be a sufficient apology for advancing the subscription to one guinea each copy . ’
3 There had been a lull in activity after a number of serious setbacks in the city for the terrorist organisation .
4 In the meantime , we will conclude by drawing attention to a number of serious weaknesses in the strategy on which it is based .
5 The defending solicitor tried to fault her on identification but she described the car as having a metallic paint job , wide wheels and a number of triangular stickers in the rear window ; she also thought that she could remember a couple of fluffy dice hanging from the rear-view mirror , and she gave the first three letters of the registration number .
6 A connoisseur of French and Italian drawings , Jacob Bean managed to double the number of European drawings in the collection to more than 4,000 , making it one of the largest and most distinguished in the States .
7 The total number of representative points in the system is unchanged , so these circles consist of closely-spaces points that have ‘ condensed ’ from forbidden parts of k -space onto the nearest circle as the strength of the magnetic field increases .
8 It says that in the fourth quarter of 1991 , there was a threefold increase in the number of stolen cars in the second hand market compared with a year earlier .
9 But erm on the other hand we do actually have empty spaces in our old people 's homes , so whilst you will have people who may have to move a bit , we 're not actually reducing the number of occupied beds in the whole old person 's home sector
10 The hon. Member for Salisbury ( Mr. Key ) made a number of unscheduled statements in the debate .
11 The large number of displaced terranes in the North American Cordillera are considered by Coney et al.
12 Since the ratings for the number of fixed objects in a film are not related to actual recognition sensitivity it seems likely that this information is not assisting subjects in the recognition phase .
13 the market circumstances are such that there are a number of alternative buildings in the locality that could suit their company ;
14 There had been a number of Japanese businessmen in the town whose interests appear also to have been ‘ other than commercial ’ .
15 It is certainly encouraging that parents , not government , are choosing to expand the number of integrated schools in the Province .
16 Republicans are likely to pick up seats in the House , so he might have more leverage there , but this will be counter-balanced by the probable increase in the number of Democratic seats in the Senate .
17 A number of rare animals in the wild are joining waiting lists for zoo cages , and like hospital administrators , zoo directors are having to make tough decisions about who gets the places .
18 The number of possible elements in a matrix is given by :
19 Already , the Scots have seen Australia at close quarters in last week 's Canberra Tournament , where the Wallabies reached the semi-final , while , earlier in the season , they faced a number of possible participants in the colours of Queensland in Dubai .
20 In the case of spoken words , context is used to speed up recognition by reducing the number of possible candidates in the cohort .
21 Murderer of a number of young women in a particularly brutal manner .
22 The virtually complete Student Five Nations Championship with fixtures played on the Friday preceding senior Five Nations matches , and the U21 Divisional Championship taking place on the Sundays following the last three Five Nations matches involving England , not only poses problems for players faced with selection for both , but also puts a great number of young players in the limelight as the Development Squad for the future is gradually moulded and refined .
23 Almost certainly there is an equivalent number of young females in the non-breeding population , but these take a further year to reach maturity .
24 When it was reported that a considerable number of young children in the house were not eating their breakfast , which consisted of porridge and bread , he recommended that , for children under sixteen , the same diet should be given for breakfast as for supper .
25 For example , Hannan ( 1969 ) found that the number of young people in an area tended to increase outmigration , as the more able young left to follow the kind of careers not available in rural areas , though Grafton ( 1982 ) has argued that young people do not outmigrate from remote rural areas at a faster rate than their counterparts in less remote rural areas , and that any decline in such areas is due to lower levels of immigration , rather than higher rates of outmigration .
26 NEXT autumn 's Mid Wales Youth Theatre production at the Wyeside Arts Centre , Builth Wells , involving a large number of young people in the 14 to 25 age group , is expected to cost £11,130 .
27 The encouraging figures come at a time when the number of young people in the county has dropped while the older population has increased .
28 This group 's theory of salvation attempted to incorporate Christ into their concept of God , but it was at a formidable price — he was just one of a number of divine beings in the pantheon .
29 A film crew interviewed him at Parkeston Quay and also met a number of prominent industrialists in the area .
30 In the light of the current problems regarding a number of prominent figures in the Italian cultural world , have you in any way had to dissociate yourself from any of them ?
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