Example sentences of "number [prep] [adj] [noun] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The most telling comment on the wealth of the metropolis is that it had more men worth upwards of £100 than most other towns had taxpayers of all grades ; indeed , the number of four-figure assessments equalled the total taxpayers of some tiny market towns .
2 Chapter 2 offered a short discussion of how a number of antislavery reformers derived an intellectual orientation towards reform from the different religious traditions sustaining antislavery .
3 Whereas definitional information can be obtained from LDOCE for some 55,000 headwords , the acquisition of a similar number of collocational entries requires the processing of an immense corpus .
4 The chemical industry 's efforts to secure insurance have been stepped up following the publication of a number of European directives suggesting a move towards much wider compulsory compensation for environmental damage .
5 It then goes on to detail a number of joint initiatives covering the the country and all the G M B regions .
6 The state has no role in the appointment of bishops and the juridical processes of church and state are kept entirely separate , though it will be seen that a number of administrative procedures reflect a direct link .
7 The fall in the number of young people entering the labour market because of the drop in the birth rate , combined with a rise in those going into further and higher education , will contract that source significantly .
8 At the same time the downturn in the number of young people entering the employment market has emphasised the need for a greater proportion of young people with the skills which successful businesses will require .
9 In this respect the key variable in the 1980s is the large number of young people entering the rural labour market , following the baby boom of the 1960s .
10 A spokeswoman for Marks & Spencer said : ‘ We are concerned to learn of the poor perception people have of us but we are carrying out a number of ongoing initiatives to improve the situation . ’
11 A spokeswoman for Marks & Spencer said : ‘ We are concerned to learn of the poor perception people have of us but we are carrying out a number of ongoing initiatives to improve the situation . ’
12 Now I am very well aware that a number of good friends worry a lot about my situation and my health , particularly in the winter , but I manage quite nicely , thank you .
13 The release of all civilian detainees and prisoners of war was agreed at the Paris talks but a number of practical difficulties impeded the process .
14 The design strategy is to define the possible information content of a message in terms of the necessary minimum of variations , then to design the structure so that it has a maximum content of standardized information and requires the minimum number of specific triggers to identify the variation to be conveyed .
15 He said the high number of rejected valuations proved the system was working .
16 His description was circulated to all police forces throughout Britain , and a number of anxious relatives visited the mortuary to see if they could recognise him as a missing husband , brother or son , but no one did .
17 In the textile industry a number of technical inventions produced an increase in output ; a way had been found of using coal , in the form of coke , to smelt iron ; and the steam engine was so improved that it provided a new source of power .
18 Deng 's campaign was given prominent support by a large number of provincial governors attending the session , many of whom promised to press ahead with economic reforms regardless of central policies .
19 And a number of other texts stress the fact that obedience counts for more than sacrifice ( e.g. 1 Samuel 15:22–23 ; Psalm 40:6–8 ) .
20 However , there are a number of other guidelines to aid the salespeople actually engaged in the negotiation process .
21 Where one vehicle collides with a number of other vehicles causing a series of two vehicle collisions such a situation will be regarded as a multi-vehicle collision thereby excluding its application from the terms of the Partial Indemnity Clause .
22 Local councils have joined forces with Tidy Northern Ireland , the Department of Environment and a number of other organisations to promote the week .
23 The inter-war period saw the construction of a large number of new pubs to serve the needs of growing suburban communities and reconstructed city centres .
24 The number of new words entering the English language is rising faster now than at any time in history .
25 Users are strongly recommended to report only one failure or suggestion on a single SPR , however , if they do not , the solution is to create a number of new SPRs to handle the topics individually .
26 Users are strongly recommended to report only one failure or suggestion on a single SPR , however , if they do not , the solution is to create a number of new SPRs to handle the topics individually .
27 Frame Technology Inc , San Jose , also exhibited in support of its numerous partners in Japan , exhibiting a new version of Japanese Framemaker 2.1X desktop publishing , which has a number of new features to suit the Japanese environment , including tategaki and automatic numbering of kanji and numerics .
28 In return , Vietnam would adopt a number of new measures to facilitate the US search for servicemen listed as missing in action ( MIA ) during the Vietnam War .
29 A significant number of elderly people have a low standard of living .
30 Eighteen months ago the CBI suggested that the HSE take on a number of extra people to monitor the burgeoning biotechnology industry , but this has not been done .
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