Example sentences of "number [prep] [adj] [noun] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Between the evening of Friday 6 March and Sunday 8 March a thief stole a number of Near-Eastern items of the ninth to second centuries BC from the Draper 's Gallery of the Ashmolean Museum .
2 They are required by the Law Society 's Training Regulations to provide experience in articles in a number of recognised areas of the law to give you the training necessary to qualify as a solicitor .
3 State theory is , of , an exceptionally large topic and there have been a number of wide-ranging surveys of the field .
4 Since two different groups of headlines appear in E [ the last sheet but three ] it is obvious that an interruption occurred while E was printing ; and it appears probable that it came about because the printer abruptly decided to run off a small number of complete copies of the book for sale while the opera was being presented and then to finish the entire edition at leisure .
5 A report in the Jerusalem Post of April 14 outlined a number of possible consequences of the re-introduction of the " Iraqi factor into the Arab-Israeli conflict " .
6 Think about the total number of possible phrases of the right length that the monkey or baby or random computer could type .
7 The greatest scope for study exists with cremation pottery for , being decorated , it presents a greater number of variables for study , thereby reducing the number of possible interpretations of the patterns produced by analysis .
8 The king himself led an army into Liddesdale , rounded up the better-known thieves and ‘ tuik of thame to the number of xxxii personis of the greitest of them ’ , including Armstrongs and Elliots .
9 When a central government department is sued , it is usual to name the respondent as the Secretary of State who is constitutionally responsible for the conduct of the department 's business ; although , of course , the decision or action being challenged will more often than not have been made or done by someone other than the Secretary of State personally ; and in the case of a geographically decentralized department , such as the Department of Social Security , the challenged decision or action may have originated from any one of a large number of regional offices of the department .
10 In the increasing number of critical surveys of the English novel published during the present century Conrad is the sole writer ever to be included in the safe , accepted procession from Fielding to Henry James and beyond who could , to some degree , be considered to write of adventure in the traditional sense ; and it is always made perfectly clear that Conrad 's moral and philosophical probings constitute his true value , his story-telling expertise being , by implication , no more than a means to an end .
11 There were a number of other members of the family on the board .
12 The trouble was that Louise , like a number of other members of the garrison , was suffering from scurvy ; there had been several cases of partial blindness and of swollen heads , but the most common symptom , and the one which was troubling Louise , was the loosening of teeth .
13 A number of other areas of the curriculum — art and craft , PE , music , CDT , computers , dance and so on — were given comparatively little time , amounting to the same number of teacher-days between them as were spent on science alone .
14 The difficulty , then , with all the cases I have discussed — and with a large number of other disputes of a like kind — is that each side argues past the other by assuming the truth of what has to be proved .
15 Mathematics differs from a number of other parts of the formal curriculum in needing an investigatory component for successful delivery .
16 In common with a limited number of other regions of the UK , it experienced early industrialisation .
17 Commentators noted that a number of new members of the Cabinet had gained their political experience , like Abdesellam himself , under the regime of President Houari Boumedienne ( 1965-1978 ) .
18 Many of the great institutions in Edinburgh , Glasgow , Manchester , Birmingham or Yorkshire — which had in their employ a considerable number of deaf teachers of the deaf — were not even present .
19 The score for each trial was the number of correct letters of the trigram given in the right position .
20 Some of the dissidents , in conjunction with a smaller number of former members of the Democratic Party , formed a new political party on Oct. 19 called the New Korea Party ( NKP ) .
21 They possess two pairs of fins , or their derivatives , limbs : two is the minimum number of lateral extensions of the body needed to generate a vertical force through any point on the body ( one pair could generate a force at only one point , and three pairs are one too many ) .
22 This view is supported by a number of empirical studies of the regional impact of mergers .
23 However , a number of empirical studies of the basis in the USA during the 1987 crash have found that the futures market did not drag the stock market down .
24 Therefore , the large number of empirical studies of the risk premium in commodity markets will not be considered .
25 A number of empirical studies of the volatility-maturity relationship for futures , other than index futures , are summarized in Table 8.2 .
26 A number of empirical studies of the volatility-volume relationship based on studies of futures other than index futures is summarized in Table 8.3 .
27 Thomas and Znaniecki 's study was very carefully reviewed by Blumer in 1949 and he came out with a number of general criticisms of the research in which the authors used letters , a wide variety of documents and Wladek 's autobiography as data to illustrate their theoretical propositions .
28 Subsequent reports suggested that the police were planning to arrest a number of key members of the group , including the Council 's leader Prasert Sapsunthorn .
29 In addition to explaining the risks of financial loss , the warning notice also explains a number of key aspects of the operation of futures markets which may not be readily apparent to the private investor such as : ( 1 ) The treatment of collateral and the fact that a customer may lose a proprietary interest in the collateral and not receive back the same assets that he deposited .
30 Later research seems to show that Malinowski mis-understood a number of key features of the system he described , but it is certainly the case that the participants in the Kula conceive of it as a circulating system of exchange .
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