Example sentences of "while the [noun sg] was [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 A chauffeur-driven Mercedes arrived at Waterloo to collect them for the agm at Skinners ' Hall but while the driver was searching the station his car was wheel-clamped .
2 Even while the Occupation was continuing the pressures of the Cold War and the conflict in Korea pushed US policy in the direction of rebuilding a strong Japan as a capitalist ally in East Asia .
3 How terrible it must be for her to attend this service for Mrs Wright whose baby had survived and while the Padre was speaking the Collector accompanied his words with a silent , sympathetic prayer for Mrs Bennett : " O God , whose ways are hidden and thy works most wonderful , who makest nothing in vain , and lovest all that thou hast made , Comfort this thy servant whose heart is sore smitten and oppressed … " but the rest of the prayer was no longer in his mind , stolen no doubt by the foxes of despair that continued to raid his beliefs … in any case , it faded into a mournful reverie in which he sought an explanation for the death of Mrs Bennett 's child .
4 While this was always true , it was unlikely that committee members would be held personally liable while the government was underwriting the costs .
5 Miguel turned to Victoria , who had appeared while the policeman was checking the surgery , and said , ‘ Please find out which apartments those youths are in .
6 WHILE the Queen was addressing the Commonwealth yesterday , President Fash was preparing his seasonal message for his somewhat smaller band of subjects at Wimbledon .
7 While the Queen was pondering the question of whether to pay income tax , the rest of the nation was wondering whether they would have any income on which to pay tax .
8 Loughborough also put together the electronic gear to record a trace of the heartbeat , not only in the lab but by remote control while the volunteer was walking the outdoor test circuit .
9 However , the Supreme Soviet was to decide the strength and composition of armed forces and Interior Ministry troops , while the President was given the right to take decisions on the use of Interior Ministry troops in emergency situations .
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