Example sentences of "part of [art] [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In relation to Bourdieu 's concept of habitus , the artefact was noted as playing a pivotal role in social reproduction , where it forms part of a reconciliation of objectivist accounts exposing the mechanisms which create the subject in history with an interpretation of the social subject 's role as active agent in the formulation of historical strategy .
2 A Steamship Owners ' Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association had been formed as early as 1874 which later became part of a North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association , and as early as 1878 shipowners of the north-east were complaining of the " tyrannical " attempts of a " dictatorial body of unionists " ' to impose demands on the industry , establishing in 1885 a Central Association of Shipowners of Sunderland , Glasgow and Newcastle to put their views to the Royal Commission of 1886 on Chamberlain 's proposed Shipping Bill .
3 The grant was part of a consolidation of Gloucester 's position around this time , which may have been linked with plans for Gloucester to lead a raid into Scotland .
4 The grant was part of a consolidation of Gloucester 's position around this time , which may have been linked with plans for Gloucester to lead a raid into Scotland .
5 The installation of a computer system is an excellent opportunity to sweep away prejudice and introduce a more professional approach : good time recording systems , on micro-computer , for example , are often part of a suite of packages linking output to the input needs of the job-costing system .
6 This should ideally be part of a course of lessons from a skilled teaching professional if you are to use your time and effort efficiently .
7 These books are timeless , not part of the changing whirl of food fashion or trend , rather part of a backbone of information and knowledge without which all cookery books are quite irrelevant .
8 In this paper the unfairness of this professional attitude is argued and encouragement given to the need for residential care to be seen as part of a continuum of services for children in care .
9 It needs to be seen as part of a continuum of experience from the most ordinary and humdrum to the most sublime and special .
10 My hon. Friend will know that that is part of a parcel of land of about 45 acres in total .
11 They are as much a part of a history of sexuality as the grander organisation of sexual codes .
12 An Appetiser Stand , Cherry & Lemon Dispenser and Ice Cutting Tongs are all part of a range of bar accessories from Mitchell & Cooper .
13 They form part of a range of diseases now more logically termed inherited prion diseases , and a new nomenclature has been proposed .
14 The magistrates obtained an Act authorising them to borrow £160,000 to build part of a range of docks designed by John Rennie .
15 You know birds of prey ca n't fly over water so Israel 's part of a kind of funnel for them which makes it a great place to do bird counts .
16 In all these cases regional incentives might be important , but only in the context of a need to reduce costs and an ability to move , rather than as the initial motivation , and as part of a bundle of considerations rather than as a separable ‘ factor ’ .
17 The killings are part of a campaign of intimidation and elimination of supporters of the political opposition .
18 No , it 's not part of a campaign of cleanliness in the school .
19 His move to the Isle of Wight was part of a campaign of harassment , making it harder for him to receive visitors , and he is constantly being threatened with placement in the psychiatric wing of the prison .
20 Mr Maclean denied that the renewed emphasis on food safety was part of a campaign of consumer legislation in the run-up to a general election .
21 The Mysteries , based on the York and Chester Mystery Plays , is one part of a trilogy of plays .
22 North America became more of a market for British manufactures , as part of a triangle of trade that financed increased British imports from the West Indies .
23 Prussian industrialisation was part of a wave of change that was sweeping over the whole of Western Europe and which was just beginning to filter into Eastern Europe .
24 What needs to be emphasised , though , is that direct experience — becoming part of a way of life that includes the alien in a wider definition of what it is to be human — seems to be almost the only way of achieving demystification .
25 Taking the example of an art nouveau dairy part of a Parade of shops in his idealised suburb he says : ‘ First it was new-fangled , then fashionable , then merely commonplace , then out-of-date , then ( to the sophisticated ) attractively ‘ period ’ . ’
26 The Ruger pistol was part of a haul of guns and ammunition discovered in Queensland Street off the Shankill Road on February 18 .
27 Kershaw , from London , is wanted by American authorities over an alleged conspiracy to sell Treasury bills worth £54m which were part of a haul of £280m in stolen bills , police said .
28 Franca guessed that Alison 's appearances were part of a plan of Jack 's to make Franca used to ‘ having her around ’ .
29 Under s5(1) of SGA 1979 it is envisaged that future goods , ie " goods to be manufactured or acquired by the seller " , can form part of a contract of sale .
30 In this sense they are part of a system of communication between parent and child .
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