Example sentences of "never [be] [adj] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ray French does not possess Moorhouse 's gifts as a writer , but he has never been short of constructive opinion , good ideas or a sense of humour , qualities readily apparent in More Kinds of Rugby .
2 I 've never been interested in American stuff .
3 In practice this second exception is unimportant because bearer securities have never been popular with English investors or English companies and are rarely issued and hardly ever in respect of shares , as opposed to bearer bonds , ( i.e. debentures ) which are sometimes issued to attract Continental investors who have a traditional liking for securities in bearer form .
4 Apart from creating a catastrophe point where an extra per cent of votes can theoretically send a party from 15 to 66 per cent of the council ( the French have never been comfortable with simple democracy ) this , also theoretically , gives minority parties a voice .
5 We know from experience that many factors — some of which may never be apparent to outside observers — determine whether a prisoner of conscience is released .
6 He had looked at one , years ago , but it had taken him three days to read it , carefully , from cover to cover , by which time he realized that , if he was going to do the thing at all conscientiously , he would never be abreast of current developments .
7 More to the point , we had proved that a Blofeld or No need never be short of hired hands .
8 If you are being honest with yourself and with her and you really are terribly pressed for time , you will never be short of concrete reasons to give , and she will find these much more acceptable and less hurtful than vague excuses , provided , of course , that your overall treatment of her is one of care and not neglect .
9 " A handsome young man like you will find you 'll never be short of female companionship . "
10 I 'll never be sarky about Young Doctors again .
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