Example sentences of "never [be] [adj] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To tell Luke the truth , somehow force him to accept that she had never been involved with Florian in the way he imagined , might just possibly put an end to his — his persecution of her .
2 But immediately , the burden of the territorial and other material possessions of his church weighed upon him in a way that had never been evident at Bec under the relaxed rule of Duke Robert of Normandy .
3 Culshaw , who knew Karajan better than any of these armchair pundits , noted that since Karajan had never been interested in interpretation for interpretation 's sake — which perhaps helps explain why his readings often outlast those of more ‘ personalized ’ rivals — he naturally diverted his attention to new projects , musical , technological , scientific , logistical , until circumstances or new thinking drew him back to the central repertoire that he had recorded earlier , with other orchestras , other technology .
4 ‘ Israel , ’ says one senior official , ‘ has never been interested in emigration as such , but in aliya — in having as many Jews as possible come to Israel . ’
5 Salaries had never been comparable with others in the record industry ; the smaller , more agreeable , ‘ cottage industry ’ atmosphere of the company had always been held up as compensation for a parsimonious attitude to wages .
6 At just £12–14 each and eight great trips to choose from you 'll never be short of fun in Corfu .
7 And they will never be short of custom until the government acts .
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