Example sentences of "as [adj] [conj] it [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That this would be an inappropriate objection is evident from the fact that the Punch cartoon I mentioned earlier would have been almost as funny if it had figured a human fisherman rather than a kingfisher .
2 It did n't feel as cold as it had done earlier in the day .
3 In France the factionalism from which the country suffered was largely inspired by the nobility , so that command of the army , as the tragedy experienced at Agincourt in 1415 demonstrated , was chiefly in the hands of noble leaders who gave the army a character as noble as it had had in the 1330s .
4 He quickly realised that , tactically , the situation at Verdun was not quite as desperate as it had seemed at first sight .
5 The murderer thought about it , still finding it almost as amusing as it had seemed at the time ; the murderer 's sense of humour was childlike , adolescent at the best , but secretive .
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