Example sentences of "as [adv] [conj] [conj] he were " in BNC.

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1 Rincewind took a few steps forward , cupidity moving him as easily as if he were on little wheels .
2 He smiled at her and said , ‘ Buenos dias , señorita , ’ as blithely as if he were bringing breakfast to her room in a Costa del Sol hotel .
3 Moments later her father answered the call , his voice coming as clearly as if he were in the same room , and even loudly enough for Silas to hear it .
4 ‘ I am the Conservatives ’ Jeremy Irons , ’ he murmured as apologetically as if he were standing at the rostrum with a brand new Oscar .
5 Then one evening as she was tidying up the room he said as quietly as if he were taking rifle aim , ‘ There 's no need for you to go turning the whole place upside down .
6 Like Kenneth Horne , he had to take his work as seriously as though he were about to play Macbeth — and he did , every trouser-dropping , each double-entendre reciting , any nasal-sounding ‘ stop messing about ’ moment .
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