Example sentences of "as [adv] [conj] [conj] she be " in BNC.

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1 She instructed him to wash her , and was surprised when he soaped her as gently as if she was a baby .
2 Even as she struggled he was lifting her clear off her feet as easily as though she were made of thistledown .
3 Carrying her as easily as if she were made of feathers , Dane strode out towards the cottage .
4 The buzzard flew to the king 's palace , waited , perching in an oak tree , until the princess came out for her evening stroll , and then picked her up and carried her back to the forest , holding her as carefully as if she were made of rose petals .
5 And the buzzard , who had been waiting hidden in the branches of- an oak tree , swooped down , picked her up as carefully as if she were made of rose petals , and carried her back to the forest .
6 Yet he deposited her on it as carefully as if she were china , and that brought a weak tear to her eye .
7 Amsterdam sipped his Madeira , seeing Topaz as clearly as if she were sitting opposite him .
8 With his eyes closed he could see her as clearly as if she were standing in front of him .
9 She was gone now , out of his life as surely as if she were dead .
10 ‘ With this one there was very little injury and as well as that she was quite a big girl and it may very well be that at the end of the day we could say that she did n't resist to the last and if she did n't then of course it 's not rape it 's a different crime , indecent assault . ’
11 He released her , his fingers still loosely in the escaped strands of her hair , staring at her as blankly as if she were some phantom being from another incarnation , a mythical seductress beamed unexpectedly into the passenger seat of his car .
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