Example sentences of "as [adj] as [pers pn] [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It mattered as little as it seemed to matter to Lucy that they would have — yet another — three weeks apart .
2 ‘ He was n't as odd as you 'd made him out to be , your friend , ’ Gillian said as we left .
3 It was n't as awful as she 'd anticipated , partly because she greatly admired Raimondo 's talent , partly because the audience was so small , just the sheikh , his wives , a handful of retainers , and a couple of the sheikh 's Italian business associates brought along to translate — although one of the businessmen kept giving her glances that made her uncomfortable .
4 Italy 's involvement in the Spanish Civil War , in emulation of Germany , had cost much more than the government had intended , and by 1939 Mussolini must have known that the Army and Air Force were not anything like as strong as he had imagined they were , even if he did not know the extent of their weakness .
5 On the carpet by the tallboy were several red carnations , as fresh as they had come from the florist , and beside them , a shattered glass spill .
6 I was not perhaps as gutless as I had assumed .
7 The city spread out below her looked so calm , almost as calm as she had felt such a little time before .
8 Just one glance had told Muldoon that they were very far from being as generous as he had encouraged Mark to believe .
9 Was she as old as he 'd thought ?
10 He was younger than she had supposed from Jenny 's description — in his early thirties , and as good-looking as she had expected .
11 But while Wainfleet 's apology had been specious and he really did not see what all the fuss was about , he was not quite as carefree as he had let them think .
12 I sang , pondering whether my thanks were as spontaneous as I had thought or whether I was just too scared to complain .
13 Given the choice now , he wished the old holidays could be taken again , that things were not as different as they had become .
14 Memories of her did n't seem as painful as he had imagined .
15 All through the '70s I 'd wanted to be in a rock band and I ended up doing it and it was nothing like as exciting as I 'd imagined it from reading and listening to records .
16 The weird notion that she might be in danger of actually becoming one day as perfect as she seemed added a ghastly charm to her reflections , as she continued to envisage various methods of killing Jack .
17 ‘ The dragons might be there ; they might be real and they might be every bit as vicious as I 'd imagined , but I 'm a human being ; so was Adolf Hitler and he killed millions of people !
18 Three young men with loop and stud earrings in one ear ( the lad on the Caledonian Canal fishing boat was not as individual as I had thought ) had three beefburgers and a pie each and then a chocolate KitKat with their tea .
19 In fact , his tone was level , and even his expression nowhere near as serious as she had imagined .
20 During this period , the American 8th Air Force squadrons of Flying Fortresses and Liberators , many of whom were stationed near to us in the vicinity of Cambridge and Huntingdon , were doing daylight raids deep into Germany , and were rapidly finding out that it was not as easy as they had expected .
21 Some time later , she acknowledged that the task was not proving to be as easy as she had expected .
22 She did n't find it as easy as he seemed to do .
23 It was taking out a girl with a trail of boasts littering the streets behind you , although you both returned as virginal as you had set off but usually much colder .
24 It was n't as dark as I 'd expected .
25 ‘ Wait , calm yourself , sabiha tieghi , my beautiful one , ’ he teased softly , unbuttoning his shirt with fingers which shook almost as much as hers had done .
26 At one time , young professionals could borrow as much as they liked to buy their home , on the promise of their growing salary and sure prospects .
27 We had a very good time , & good weather , for the rest of our stay , & I think Richard enjoyed showing us the many attractions of his area as much as we enjoyed seeing them .
28 I really do feel she liked working here as much as we liked having her , and not only for her work ; she was such a nice person , so warm and lively . ’
29 Sadly , as much as we wanted to keep her , we were out at work all day , and lived in a flat without a garden .
30 Her own strong and unthinking rejection of him had shocked her as much as it had shocked him .
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