Example sentences of "as [adj] [noun] as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike most catalogues today , the vegetables usually came at the front with similarly enticing but just as unbelievable pictures as we find in today 's catalogues .
2 However , if Venus has always had as little water as it seems to have today then it may never have been able to achieve such high surface temperatures .
3 She re-read the previous page , but by the time she 'd got to the bottom again it made as little sense as it had the first time .
4 Chambers accepted with as little formality as he had shown on coming in .
5 This was at first very difficult because he knew as little English as I knew German .
6 As little control as I have where you 're concerned , I 'm not such an animal that I 'd deny you a peaceful night when you 're so obviously in need of one .
7 The whole point of the undergirding cables was to provide some shear bracing and so unless the operation was done with a knowledge and accuracy which were rather unlikely in the circumstances , so as to get the cables roughly at forty-five degrees , the expedient probably had usually as little effect as it seems to have had upon Paul 's ship .
8 Again , they could have gone into the supermarket , but they thought the police had had a good look at them , so they sprinted through the crowds who took as little notice as they expected , and across the street just after the lights had changed 50 that the traffic beginning to move , hooted .
9 It was run by Alfred Rozelaar Green who , having lived and worked in Paris before the war , wanted to imitate in London the French free academy system which offers an open house to anyone wishing to draw , paint or sculpt for as many or as few sessions as they wish .
10 You must always include a General , but apart from this you are free to choose as many or as few characters as you wish .
11 You must always include a General , but apart from this you are free to choose as many or as few characters as you wish .
12 You can travel as many or as few miles as you wish , but remember every lock you pass through you 'll be tackling on the way back .
13 From then on you 're free to choose as many or as few books as you wish .
14 Collectively , these statutes enable the police to stop and search suspects and ask for personal details , to enter forcibly and search private properties , to detain suspects for questioning for up to 72 hours and to use as much discretion as they require to impose bans or conditions on marches or assemblies .
15 They can make as much mess as they like and when the weather 's nice they can spill out into the garden . ’
16 True , too , Bosnia 's Serbs have won as much land as they want ( though in the territories they control ethnic cleansing continues : about 1,000 Muslims or Croats are leaving northern Bosnia every week , it is reported , after signing papers to say they are going voluntarily ) .
17 ‘ If I can get on board ship again , ’ I said , ‘ you can have as much cheese as you want . ’
18 On the most important of four questions — ‘ Do you trust the president ? ’ — Mr Yeltsin won as much support as he did in the presidential election of 1991 ( see page 41 ) .
19 The various houses hid as much Champagne as they dared by sealing up some of their cellars , but they had to be very careful not to attract attention .
20 Went to look up her reading , they said had to pay I 've used three times as much gas as I did three times as much gas as I needed last time
21 Went to look up her reading , they said had to pay I 've used three times as much gas as I did three times as much gas as I needed last time
22 But Commander Roy Penrose , who organised yesterday 's raids , said : ‘ We do not believe they had as much explosives as they claimed .
23 Its self-adjusting actions means that hair only absorbs as much lotion as it needs .
24 The first two children fill up their spoons with water and run to the other end and deposit as much water as they have left in the glass .
25 You may drink as much water as you like .
26 Where shall ye now get as much money as ye owe ? ’ , and when she was given forty pence she bought herself a furred cloak with it rather than paying off any of her debts .
27 In the absence of any corporate direction , BR 's excursion trains then were not much more than a mishmash of bright and not so bright ideas by divisional and area managers , which lost as much money as they made .
28 He thinks he can play spoof , but I usually come out of the pub legless with as much money as I went in with .
29 A country can produce these days as much money as it wants .
30 To be non-envious means to be quite happy if the other player wins just as much money as you do , so long as you both thereby win more from the banker .
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