Example sentences of "made in the [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This , we are told , is to ensure that errors made in the laying of tesserae would be most likely to occur away from the focus of the mosaic .
2 Much of this work is already in hand , aided by advances made in the organisation of women outside and inside the sociology profession .
3 After the 1981 riots , improvements were made in the fireproofing of shields and garments and police officers were routinely provided with riot boilersuits ( Lloyd , 1989 ) .
4 Miss T. being an adult , it is doubtful whether we have power to make a restraining order of the kind which is often made in the case of children whose medical treatment is in issue before the courts , but I hope and believe that it is in any event unnecessary .
5 Judging by the two photographs , describe what changes one farmer has made in the system of inputs and outputs , shown at the three points marked Y on the systems diagram .
6 At Wigston , as at Stoke Gifford , information derives largely from remarks made in the course of lawsuits .
7 We promptly bought the next two novels when they came out , and in the Bodleian catalogue I discovered Dolores , the early work of which no mention was made in the list of titles prefacing her later books .
8 Moreover , Dewey gave an undertaking that no drastic changes would ever be made in the allocation of numbers to subjects , although certain modifications have been made in recent editions .
9 As well as the possibility of engineering plants to increase productivity , advances have already been made in the engineering of plants that are pest- , herbicide- or disease-resistant and in the development of nitrogen-fixing non-leguminous species ( Jones and Lindsey 1988 ) .
10 These claims are made in the context of attempts to justify expenditure on western education systems and to represent the ideals of the writers ' own culture as ‘ universal ’ .
11 Awards are made in the form of grants , the level of which is based on financial need , and all matriculated students are eligible for application .
12 During the 1st and 2nd centuries , knife handles were often made in the form of animals .
13 The undeniable fact is that all worshipped ‘ gods ’ have in the past been man-made , either imagined or physically made in the form of idols .
14 The Audit Commission has said that if all authorities did as well as the average , significant reductions could be made in the number of families living in temporary accommodation .
15 But , as mentioned above , some changes have been made in the light of comments received on the discussion paper .
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