Example sentences of "made a [adj] [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 A wheelwright at marriage , he had subsequently made a successful career in the building trade , and by the 1830s was rated on no fewer than six houses in Gore Hedge — almost a third of the street .
2 It was made a compulsory subject in the schools , an essential part of the Leaving Certificate , and it was necessary to pass an exam in the language to enter the civil service .
3 The decision by Tesco and other groups campaigning to break the law to get their own way — which they have largely done as a result of the Government 's co-operation and collaboration — has made a serious dent in the turnover and profit of the stores that are already struggling .
4 It 's no longer merely a handful of advocates who wonder why someone with such high-calibre material has n't made a bigger dent in the global public 's consciousness .
5 People were slow to come out and if these people had made a concerted effort in the beginning it might have been different ’ .
6 During the sixth century , craftsmen were increasingly operating from workshops , employed by those who had made a greater success in the agricultural way of life and were able to support a greater number of specialists and farmworkers .
7 Troop/Blumenthal made a poor start in the ladies ' K2 race .
8 But it is the Japanese manufacturers who have made a poor showing in the DSP arena — probably due in part to a lack of commitment and feeble marketing .
9 The PR Department had made a good start in the CASB period with Colonel Glass in charge .
10 And they got a huge boost hours later when it was revealed that the president had made a spectacular recovery in the polls .
11 In no time at all he had made a good-sized hole in the riverbank .
12 It 's made a great thoroughfare in the dining area and broken the dining area up a bit .
13 Labour ex-Cabinet minister Lord Healey warned : ‘ Lady Thatcher 's type of nationalism is the greatest single danger to peace in the modern world , and Mr Major 's failure to confront it head-on as such a danger has made a civil war in the government party a danger to Britain and to Europe as whole . ’
14 With the movement of responsibility for the Russian market from the UK to its Mountain View headquarters in California Sun has made a considerable drive in the scientific and academic markets in Russia .
15 Shaw 's made a considerable investment in the future in terms of systems development and enhancement , with about 80 projects being completed during the year .
16 Doctors believe they 've made a significant breakthrough in the fight against one of Britain 's fastest growing illnesses .
17 But now , rather like recording afresh over the existing programme on an audio or visual cassette , Sylvia had superimposed a successful situation and had thereby made a significant change in the data recognized by her subconscious .
18 He doubted that the injection had made a significant difference in the patient 's condition .
19 In parts of Madeira ( above 800m ) the heavy precipitation has made a profound alteration in the basalt to form clays that are reddish in colour .
20 IT SEEMS that Roland Franklin , the latest unbundler to appear in the UK , has made a fatal error in the preparation of his £697m break-up bid for stationery and packaging group DRG .
21 Martin Pipe 's soft ground performer , Rusch de Farges , has made a rapid advance in the market , but is the weather ever going to change ?
22 Louise would not have made an unsuccessful marriage in the first place , and she supposed her marriage must be unsuccessful , because Edward had told her that she was not a woman .
23 First to profit from this trend are Bradford 's Dudley Hill , who , with five members of the English Students World Cup squad in their side , have made an explosive start in the BNFL national league , leading the first division with six wins from six matches at an average of almost 40 points per game .
24 There is a need to create a climate in which all problems facing the community , including the unfortunate death of Stompie Moeketsi Seipei la committed young lion who has made an immense contribution in the mobilisation of our youth and people in the struggle ) will be discussed to foster unity rather then let the enemy use them to achieve its ends .
25 She was a dignified octogenarian aristocrat who had been made an honorary Chief-Corporal in the Regiment since she had served with it in World War Two .
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