Example sentences of "again and [adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It would be good to see old England again and even if I did n't find her I could tell myself I 'd just tried that little bit .
2 I told myself again and again that he loved me and that was what counted .
3 Lisa B says again and again that she knows as a model going into music she has to prove herself .
4 Sometimes he and Charlie would spend a Saturday afternoon playing a George Formby record again and again until they 'd got all the words of ‘ I 'm Leaning on a Lamppost ’ or ‘ Chinese Laundry Blues ’ .
5 ‘ A lot of people thing they 're difficult people , but it 's more a case of them knowing what they want and doing it again and again until they get it right ’ .
6 He notes that Lawrence Olivier would repeat his lines again and again until he had so trained his tongue muscles to say them that he could perform effortlessly ( p. 154 ) .
7 The game goes on and on , again and again until someone wins it .
8 again and again till you sighed and turned for love .
9 He needs him again and again when he becomes uncertain and discouraged , for by himself he can not help himself without belying the truth .
10 He spoke about her again and again as we walked home .
11 These two had known each other for well over thirty years , meeting first at school and then finding their paths crossing again and again as they shifted with their respective jobs , till finally they had both come back permanently to the town they started from .
12 Her mouth sought his again and again as they broke for breath .
13 He screamed again and again as it came closer , certain that it had been sent to judge him .
14 That first night , after the shock had begun to abate , the vision of Benedict 's snarling features , the sound of molten rage in his voice , had come back to her again and again as she lay in her narrow cot bed , and she had wept .
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